
  • 网络Plastic toy;toy
  1. 该研究团队表示,这会带来患眼部、耳部以及胃部感染的风险,并建议人们定期清洗橡皮鸭和其它塑料玩具,或者把它们扔掉。

    The team say there is a risk of eye , ear or stomach infections and advise that rubber ducks or any other plastic toys be cleaned regularly or thrown away .

  2. 目的了解塑料玩具类制品中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)、双酚A(BPA)和壬基酚(NP)的含量。

    Objective To explore the content of phthalates ( PAEs ), bisphenol A ( BPA ) and 4-nonylphenol ( NP ) in plastic toys .

  3. 这是一个四肢可以活动的乙烯基塑料玩具娃娃。

    It 's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs

  4. 孩子们沐浴时间的程序包括:泡泡浴、无泪配方的洗发露和塑料玩具鸭。

    The bath time routine – bubble bath , no-tear shampoo , plastic duck .

  5. 龙城(dragonmart)希望成为中国商品在海外最大的贸易中心,这里的4000家企业,销售着从机械到安全系统、从塑料玩具到按摩椅等各种商品。

    With 4000 Chinese businesses selling everything from machinery to security systems , plastic toys to massage chairs , the Dragon mart is hoping to become the largest trading hub abroad for Chinese products .

  6. 结论雌激素含量≥1.0%的塑料玩具制品比重较大,其中DBP和DEHP检出率较高,应当引起重视。

    Conclusion There was a large proportion of plastic toys with more than 1.0 % content of estrogens , especially DBP and DEHP . It should cause high attention .

  7. 塑料玩具中7种环境雌激素含量检测

    Detection of 7 estrogens contents in 32 kinds of plastic toys

  8. 塑料玩具照相机每打多少钱?

    What 's your price for plastic toy cameras per dozen ?

  9. 越南七成塑料玩具从中国进口

    70 % of plastic toys in Vietnam import from China

  10. 中国软塑料玩具小丑遭欧盟警告

    EU warns against soft plastic toy clown made in China

  11. 我们是塑料玩具的专业生产厂家。

    We are a specialized manufacturer of plastic toys products .

  12. 这种机器能冲压塑料玩具吗?

    Can this kind of machine stamp out plastic toys ?

  13. 里面只有一些小塑料玩具和很不结实的纸帽子。

    with their little plastic toys and their flimsy paper hats inside .

  14. 塑料玩具碰壁俄罗斯“绿色壁垒”

    Plastic toys come across Russia " green rampart "

  15. 塑料玩具业达成共识同创新路

    Plastic toy producers reach agreement to pave new road

  16. 传统的替代耳朵看起来或感觉起来都像塑料玩具。

    Traditional replacements look and feel like plastic toys .

  17. 完美的女朋友并不是一个塑料玩具。

    The perfect girlfriend is not a plastic doll .

  18. 塑料玩具气味毒哭女婴

    Odor of plastic toy makes baby girl cry

  19. 俄禁售部分中国塑料玩具

    Russia bans part of plastic toys from China

  20. 他玩投球是为了用票换取粗劣的塑料玩具。

    He was playing to trade in his tickets for the crappy plastic toy .

  21. 他玩这个是为了得到票以换取那些粗劣的塑料玩具。

    He was playing to trade in his tickets for the crappy plastic toys .

  22. 我国塑料玩具市场又遭新难

    China plastic toy market confronting new difficulty

  23. 他们制造并出口塑料玩具。

    They manufacture and export plastic toys .

  24. 模拟汗液和唾液对塑料玩具中7种环境雌激素的溶出实验

    Study on the migration behavior of seven estrogens in plastic toys through simulated sweat and saliva

  25. 广阔地落在我的塑料玩具上。

    Wide on my plastic toys .

  26. 欧盟对原产于中国的塑料玩具蛇发出消费者警告

    European Union sent out warn on the plastic Kunststoffschlange / Gummischlange originally made in China to the consumer

  27. 在所有电影中,最经典的台词来自一个宇航员造型的塑料玩具。

    Of all the great lines , in all the films , it all had to come down to a plastic spaceman .

  28. 模拟唾液浸泡塑料玩具溶出的邻苯二甲酸二(乙基己基)酯的固相微萃取-气相色谱法测定

    Determination of Bis - ( 2-ethyl-hexyl ) phthalate of Plastic Toys Solved in Simulant Saliva by Gas Chromatography with Solid Phase Microextraction

  29. 目前,只有外观与玩具相似的打火机和用于软化塑料玩具的危险化学品邻苯二甲酸酯被禁止进入市场。

    Only cigarette lighters that look like toys , and phthalates , a dangerous chemical used to soften plastic toys , have been banned .

  30. 它是检测塑料玩具中邻苯二甲酸盐浓度是否超标的一种快速、灵敏的方法。

    It has proved to be a rapid and sensitive method to check whether the concentration of phthalates in the toys exceeds the regulatory limit .