
sù xiàng
  • statue;image;mold a statue
塑像 [sù xiàng]
  • [statue] 为纪念、宣传等目的,用石膏、花岗岩、铜等材料塑造、雕刻的人(或物)的形象

  • 青铜塑像

塑像[sù xiàng]
  1. 这个塑像是用什么做的?

    What is the statue made out of ?

  2. 韦恩·戈斯州长揭开诗人巴尼奥·佩特森的等身塑像时,人群欢呼起来。

    The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson

  3. 用黏土模具来浇铸青铜塑像。

    A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues .

  4. 收藏家们对铅铸的军人塑像视若珍宝。

    Military figures , made out of lead are prized by collectors

  5. 这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。

    It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones , who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square

  6. 在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。

    Above him , in a niche on the wall , sat a tiny veiled Ganesh , the elephant god

  7. “喷泉中间的那个是什么东西?”——“估计是塑像什么的吧。”

    ' What 's that thing in the middle of the fountain ? ' — ' Some kind of statue , I guess . '

  8. 仪式开始时,他们揭去了塑像的罩子。

    They uncovered the statue at the beginning of the ceremony .

  9. 这座塑像是玉雕的。

    The statue was carved out of jade .

  10. 那个塑像就在学校对面。

    The statue is just across from the school .

  11. “自从上次展出司各特的半身塑像以来,”安纽儿小姐说,“他是到我们这里来的最有趣的人物了。”

    " I think he is much the most interesting man we have had out here ," observed miss annual ," since the last bust of scott !"

  12. That'sreallysomething.真的很了不起。/真高明。这是我在老挝买的塑像。

    A : This is a statue I bought in Laos .

  13. 她说,在玛丽和约瑟夫的塑像上同样将会安装GPS装置。

    The Mary and Joseph statues will also be fitted with GPS devices , she said .

  14. 例如,在e投票塑像表决不应该是可追踪回到这个选民。

    For example , in e-voting a cast vote should not be traceable back to the voter .

  15. 德里市克什米尔门外陆军准将约翰尼科尔森(BrigadierGeneralJohnNicholson)的塑像究竟何时消失,被谁拿走,没人知道。

    Exactly when the statue of Brigadier General John Nicholson disappeared from outside Delhi 's Kashmiri gate , and who took it , is unclear .

  16. 阿里跟我们说她是个蓝眼睛的哈扎拉女人,来自巴米扬Bamiyan,阿富汗城市,在喀布尔西北150公里处。,那座城市有巨大的佛陀塑像。

    Ali told us she was a blue-eyed Hazara woman from Bamiyan , the city of the giant Buddha statues .

  17. 美国艺术家ChristopherBoffoli创造了一系列名为“差异性”的作品,将手绘铁路模型塑像粘到真正的食物上,场景怪异新奇。Boffoli创造这组作品旨在强调美国过度消费的生活文化。

    An American artist Christopher Boffoli 's " Disparity " series aims to highlight America 's culture of over-consumption , using hand painted railway model figurines glued into place onto real food .

  18. 这个城镇应该建造自己的塑像。

    The town ought to put up a statue to him .

  19. 在建筑物正面上部你可以看到一个裸体小天使塑像。

    High on its facade you can see a naked cherub .

  20. 这个农家姑娘非常崇拜圣母玛丽亚的塑像。

    The peasant girl adores the statue of the Virgin Mary .

  21. 她真是一个想瞌睡的甜密孩子的大型塑像。

    She was a large image of a sweet sleepy child .

  22. 而市议员却纷纷也要打造自己的塑像!

    And the councilmen each wanted a statue of themselves instead !

  23. 教义一整套非书面的宗教概念在教堂或在宗教首领或塑像面前鞠躬。

    Bow in church or before a religious superior or image .

  24. 这尊塑像使人永远缅怀邱吉尔的伟大功绩。

    The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill 's greatness .

  25. 那塑像已被打成若干碎片。

    That statue has been beaten into a certain number pieces .

  26. 在集市贸易的场地上有一尊莫扎特塑像。

    There was a statue of Mozart in the market place .

  27. 大孩子唆使他们把塑像漆成红色。

    Older boys put them up to painting the statue red .

  28. 1974研究并制作青铜塑像和大理石雕刻。

    1974 studied and executed bronze sculpture and marble carvings .

  29. 每个木乃伊体内都有一个蜡制的小塑像。

    Inside every mummy there is a small wax figure .

  30. 马丁路德金10米高的塑像,就雕在花岗石的中间。

    A10-meter high sculpture of King is carved from the center piece .