
  • 网络hydrothermal deposit
  1. 陶村铁矿床为与辉石闪长玢岩密切相关的岩浆热液型矿床。

    The Taocun iron deposit is a diorite porphyry related hydrothermal deposit .

  2. 结合成矿流体性质,认为义兴寨金矿床属于浅成中低温岩浆热液型矿床。

    Considering the characteristics of ore forming fluid , it is attributed to hypabyssal-medium-low temperature – magmatic hydrothermal deposit .

  3. 矿床属典型的改造热液型矿床。

    The gold deposit is a typical deposit of the hydrothermal-reworked type .

  4. 新甸金矿床属于岩浆期后热液型矿床。

    Xindian gold deposit is a post magmatic hydrothermal type of gold deposit .

  5. 常宁县汤市硼矿属接触交代&热液型矿床。

    Tangshi boron deposit in Changning county is a contact metasomatic-hydrothermal type one .

  6. 它属于中温岩浆热液型矿床。

    The deposit belongs to the mesothermal magmatic-hydrothermal type .

  7. 火山热液型矿床赋存于玄武安山岩的断裂、片理化带中;

    Volcanogenic & hydrothermal ore deposits occur in the faulting and schistosity zone of basaltic andesite ;

  8. 矿床为隐伏的脉状充填型热液型矿床。

    They are concealed hydrothermal deposit .

  9. 因此,区内褶劈构造既可作为脆-韧性剪切带的基本特征.又是寻找中低温构造热液型矿床的标志。

    Therefore , the crenulation cleavage is the basic character of the brittle-ductile shear zones as well as the prospecting criteria of meso-low temperature structural-hydrothermal deposit .

  10. 通过对潘家沟银矿成矿地质背景、次火山岩、矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床为一典型的次火山热液型矿床。

    On the basis of the analysis of geological setting , subvolcanic rock and the characteristics of the deposit , the Panjiagou silver deposit is classified as a typical subvolcanic hydrothermal one .

  11. 南岭地区是其中一个重要的矿集区,拥有许多大型超大型金属矿床,宝山铅锌多金属矿床是其中代表性的热液型矿床之一。

    The Nanling Range is one of the most important ore-concentrated area with many large and super-large deposits . Baoshan Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit is one of the representative hydrothermal deposits in the Nanling Range .

  12. LREE/HREE为6.09~4.124,为轻稀土富集型。岩体中流体包裹体以低盐、低压且有天水加入为特征,为典型的浅成低温热液型矿床。

    LREE / HREE : 6.09 ~ 4.124.The deposit shows typical epithermal gold ones with characteristics of low salt , low pressure , and accession of tural water according to the test result of fluid inclusion samples .

  13. 河南南泥湖矿田Mo、W、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag、Au成矿元素组合表现为斑岩型-夕卡岩型-中低温热液脉型矿床成矿系统。

    Mo-W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au metallogenic element association exhibits metallogenic systems of the porphyry type deposit , skarn type deposit and medium-low temperature hydrothermal type deposit .

  14. 半坡锑矿床是典型的断裂控矿,热液充填型矿床。

    Banpo antimony deposit is a typical fracture-controlling and hydrothermal fluid filling deposit .

  15. 鄂西地区基本上可划分出沉积成岩型铅锌矿床和热液型铅锌矿床。

    Genetic types of PbZn deposits can be devided into sedimentation-diagenesis and thermal deposits .

  16. 534矿床位于华北地台北缘,是一个火山热液型铀矿床。

    Uranium deposit No. 534 occurs at the north margin of North China Platform , and is a volcanic hydrothermal deposit .

  17. 研究区热液脉型矿床严格受断裂构造控制,成群、成带分布。矿体、矿脉沿断裂带断续延伸、膨缩变化和分支复合特征明显。

    The metallotect characteristics of hydrothermal vein deposits is the vein ore bodies strictly controlled by faults , distributed spatially along the faults .

  18. 通过系统分析,本文认为龙山金锑矿是中温岩浆期后热液充填型矿床;

    According to the comprehensive analysis , the author suggests that the genesis of LongShan Au-Sb ore deposit should be middle-temperature and injection type deposit .

  19. 矿床成因类型包括热水喷流沉积型矿床、与岩体有关的中低温热液脉型矿床、矽卡岩型矿床,块状硫化物型矿床、沉积变质型矿床等。

    Genesis types include sedimentary exhalative deposits , medium-low temperature hydrothermal vein-type deposits and skarn-type deposits which are related to intrusions , massive sulfide deposit , sedimentary-metamorphic deposits , and so on .

  20. 并从矿体与岩浆岩的关系、矿体与围岩的关系、矿石的结构构造、围岩蚀变、分带现象、矿物包裹体6个方面总结了岩浆热液过渡型矿床的特征。

    The characteristics of magma hydrothermal transitional ore deposits are from six aspects & the relation of orebody to magmatic rock , orebody to host rock , ore textures and structures , country rock alterations , ore zoning and mineral fluid inclusions .

  21. 锡矿成因类型可划分为接触交代型、侵入岩浆热液型和风化矿床。

    E. contact metasomatic type , magmatic hydrothermal type and weathering type .

  22. 鄂西东岳中低温热液充填型大理石矿床的地质特征

    Geological characteristics of the mesothermal epithermal marble deposit in

  23. 与碱性正长岩有关的热液脉型稀土矿床成矿特征

    Metallogenic features of rare earth deposits of hydrothermal type related with alkaline syenite

  24. 具有准斑岩型、火山沉积型、火山热液型配套的矿床类型。

    There are para-porphyry type , volcanic deposition type , volcanic hydrothermal type series deposits .

  25. 南风坳银矿是产于震旦系浅变质碎屑岩中受北北东&北东向断裂控制的热液充填交代型矿床。

    The Nanfeng'ao Ag deposit is a hydrothermal fissure filling-metasomatism type deposit controlled by NNE-NE trend faults .

  26. 一致表明研究区具有寻找与火山岩有关的浅成热液型Pb、Zn矿床和斑岩型矿床有关的Mo多金属矿产的良好潜力。

    Agreed that the study area good exploration potential for looking for volcanic-related epithermal Pb and Zn deposits and Mo polymetallic mine closely related to porphyry deposits .

  27. 广东陆丰硫铁矿床为一个中低温热液交代充填型脉状矿床。伴生有综合利用价值的Cu、Au、Ag、Te、Bi等元素。

    The Lufeng pyrite deposit in Guangdong , a vein filling , micro mesothermal , metasomatic deposit , accompanies such comprehensively usable elements as Cu , Au , Ag , Te and Bi .

  28. 地幔坳陷带为夕卡岩型和热液型内生金属矿床分布区;

    Troughs of the upper mantle are areas of distribution of skarn and hydrothermal endogenic ore deposits .

  29. 月球上不一定有热液型或沉积型矿床,但可能有火山-岩浆型矿床。

    For example , hydrothermal or sedimentary deposits may not exist on moon , but volcano-magma deposits are hopeful .

  30. 根据矿床地质特征及同位素特征分析,认为该矿床成因为火山喷气-沉积-热液叠加改造复合型矿床,具中-大型远景规模。

    Based on the analysis of geological and isotopic characteristics , the deposit is regarded as a volcanic erupting-depositing-hydrothermal superimposed Cu & Co deposit in a perspective large scale .