
The deposited hydrothermal minerals are richer in Ce and Eu than the solution , and a second fractionation between HREE and LREE occurs during the process of minerals deposition .
The overlapping parts between the stable combination anomaly of stream sediment survey of Mo , Cu , Pb , Zn and the hypothermal mineral combination anomaly through heavy fraction surveying can be taken for foundation to infer mineralization mother rocks and industrial ore bodies .
A Preliminary Discussion on the Extensiveness of Hydrothermal Activity Based on the Discovery of Hydrothermal Minerals in Cantral Pacific Ocean
Ores consist of pyrite , blende , aurum , zinckenite , tennantite , antimonite , realgar , and orpiment , belong to typical Low-temperature minerals assemblage .
The fluid inclusion data demonstrate that the majority of hydrothermal ores are precipitated in the temperature range of 300 to 500 ℃, lower than the critical line of NaCl-H2O .
The surface micromorphology of minerals in hydrothermal ore deposits and growth environments of crystal
It was emphasized to analyse a few reflective spectrum characteristics of the hydrothermal altered minerals .
Potash micatization is one of the main hydrothermal alteration minerals genetically related to the lead-zinc-silver deposit .
Spectral characteristics of reflectance and information extraction of a few hydrothermal alteration minerals on Au-Ag deposit in east-south area of Zhejiang Province
Diopside is a typical kind of hydrothermal-metamorphic deposits . It is Formed while contacting with and replacing of granite magma and dolomite .
Crush leaching and ion chromatographic analysis of fluid inclusions in minerals from some quartz vein hydrothermal deposits show that small amounts of formate and acetate are present in most ore fluids and that formate is a dominant species .
The effusive hydrothermal activity can form multi mineral deposits including Zn , Cu , Fe , Pb and sulfides which are the most valuable .
Influence of microorganisms in deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the behavior of mineral elements
Speciation in hydrothermal solutions ( mineral solubility determination , potentiometric and spectroscopic study of hydrothermal fluids );
Discovery of VITROCLASTIC ash and minerals of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of Yangshan kaolin deposit , suzhou , and new understanding of its genesis
According to the features of hydrothermal veins and minerals , relationships between the evolution of ore-forming solution and the activities of ore-controlling structures are explained .