
rè hàn
  • Hot sweat;pyretic sweating
  1. 哈利打完壁球比赛回来,一身热汗,满脸通红。

    Harry came back from his squash match hot and flushed .

  2. 反而热汗腾腾愈烧愈烈

    But that I burn much more in boiling sweat

  3. 当然,我们可以在庭园里流着夏天的热汗玩耍、喝酒和跳舞。

    Of course , we can play and drink and dance in the courtyard with sweet summer sweat .

  4. 然后,您就可以擦掉额头的热汗了,因为大部分艰难的工作已经搞定了。

    With that , you can wipe the sweat from your brow , because most of the hard work is done .

  5. 他们都是卖力气挣钱,老是一身热汗,而北方的暴雨是那么急,那么凉,有时夹着核桃大的冰雹;

    Selling their strength , they were constantly in a sweat ; and chilling storms break without warning in North china , sometimes with hail-stones the size of walnuts .

  6. 在热比汗即将临产之前,斯迪克才与原妻离婚并与热比汗办了结婚手续。

    Only when Rabiehan was close to giving birth did Stick divorce his wife and marry Rabiehan .

  7. 带着即将出生的孩子,再加上斯迪克原来的孩子,热比汗希望自己能与斯迪克共同组成一个家。

    Rabiehan hopes she can have a good family with Stick , together with her upcoming baby and his child .

  8. 这是一个典型的夏天的远足,热,汗和灰,沿途没有水。

    It was a typical midsummer hike : hot , humid and dusty , with no water available along our entire travel route .

  9. 这个瑞士人穿着一件毛衣。因此热得浑身是汗。

    This Swiss wore a sweater and now he sweated all over .

  10. 金小妹抢前一步去开了门,朱桂英刚挤进去,就觉得热烘烘一股汗气。

    Chin Hsiao-mei dashed forward to open the door , and as Chu Kuei-ying squeezed in she was met by a breath of hot , close air and the reek of sweat .