
rè chén
  • heat sink
热沉[rè chén]
  1. 岐管式微通道冷却热沉的三维数值优化

    Three-dimensional numerical optimization of the manifold microchannel heat sink

  2. 低温测量中热沉的分析

    Analyses of Heat Sink in Low Temperature Measurement

  3. 大功率LED阵列的热沉结构设计和参数优化

    Design of the heat sinking structure and parameters optimization in high-power LED array

  4. SiCp/Cu包覆粉体及其热沉材料的制备

    Fabrication of Cu-coated SiC_p Powder and Its Heat Sink Materials

  5. 结果表明,SiCp颗粒在热沉材料的基体中均匀分布,界面结合良好。

    The results show that SiC_ p particle is uniformly distributed in the matrix with ideal interfacial bonding .

  6. 平面热沉V,(?))是V上的切球丛,(?)

    Planar heat sink ) be the tangent sphere bundle of a surface V , where (?)

  7. CPU散热片结构优化设计金刚石薄膜热沉的制备研究

    Research on Optimization of CPU Heat Sinks Fabrication of Heat Sinks Made of Vapor Growth Diamond Film

  8. 研究人员往往通过改变热沉材料、改进封装结构和散热结构等方式来解决大功率LED的散热问题。

    Usually , the heat of large power LED is eliminated by changing heat sink materials , improving packaging and heat dissipation structures .

  9. 微波CVD金刚石热沉片的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of microwave CVD diamond heat spreader

  10. 同时,利用制得的复合粉体,结合适当的热压烧结工艺制备了Cu-35SiCp热沉材料,并对热沉材料的微观组织和热物理性能进行了研究。

    Moreover , Cu-35 % SiC_p heat sink materials were fabricated by hot pressing based on the coated powder , and its microstructure and thermo-physical properties have been observed .

  11. 钛合金薄板带热沉的TIG焊温度场

    Temperature field of TIG welding with a spot heat sink of Ti alloy thin sheet

  12. W-Cu梯度热沉材料的成分与结构设计

    Design of Component and Structure for Tungsten / Copper Heat-Sink Gradient Materials

  13. 钛合金薄板带热沉GTAW焊的应力场

    Stress field of GTAW with a spot heat sink on titanium alloy thin plate

  14. 等离子喷涂涂层技术同时实现了面向等离子体材料的制备和PFM与热沉材料的连接而受到研究者的重视。

    Plasma spray coating technology , which attract many researchers , can fabricate the plasma facing materials and join the PFM and heat sink materials simultaneously .

  15. 随着垫板散热能力的降低,带热沉TIG焊缩小纵向残余塑性应变区的能力增强;

    With the deterioration of heat emission capacity of the backing , the capability of narrowing the zone existing longitudinal residual plastic strain was strengthened by using strip heat sink TIG welding .

  16. 超辐射发光二极管(SLD)由SLD芯片、半导体制冷器及热沉、热敏电阻等组成。

    Super-luminescent diode ( SLD ) is made up by SLD chip , TDC , heat sink , temperature sensor and so on .

  17. 建立了描述LHP稳态运行特性的数值模型,分析了影响系统工作温度的若干关键因素,包括热沉温度,环境温度以及反重力高度等。

    Some factors of affecting the operational temperature , such as temperature of heat sink , temperature of ambient and adverse height , are included .

  18. 两种行之有效的晶粒间界限制技术:热沉结构和硅槽结构使区熔再结晶SOI实现定域无缺陷,这是采用区熔技术制备SOI的技术关键和难点所在。

    In this paper , such effective techniques as Heat Sink structure and Grooved structure have been proposed to localize grain-boundaries during Zone-Melting - Recrystallization ( ZMR ) . These techniques are the key points of ZMR-SOI technology .

  19. 岐管式微通道(MMC)热沉具有热阻小、结构紧凑、冷却液流量小、流速低、沿流动方向温度分布均匀等优点。

    The manifold microchannel ( MMC ) heat sinks have many advantages such as low thermal resistance , compact structure , little amount of coolant , low flow rate , uniform temperature distribution along the flow direction and many others .

  20. 模拟室由3舱组合,主模拟室直径12m、高22.4m,极限真空度4.5×10~(-6)Pa,热沉温度100K。

    The main chamber is of 12m in diameter and 22.4m in height . Ultimate vacuum is 4.5 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) 6pa . Shroud temperature is 100K .

  21. 以80W大功率白光LED路灯作为研究对象,实验探讨了翅片热沉散热的均匀性,并得到了路灯所用翅片热沉的平均对流换热系数,通过CFD建模对路灯的温度场进行数值验证。

    Thermal characteristics of an 80-W LED road lamp were studied . The averaging heat transfer coefficient of the fin heat sink used in LED road lamp were obtained by experiment , the temperature distribution of the fins were achieved by numerical simulation .

  22. 当器件端为Cu热沉,PCB板上采用HASL镀层时,在时效和热冲击过程中,界面有Kirkendall孔洞形成,并且Kirkendall孔洞在器件/焊料界面的聚集成为热冲击失效的主要原因。

    When device side was Cu and HASL surface finishes was used on PCB pad , Kirkendall voids formed at both interface . And the concentration of Kirkendall voids at device / solder interface was the important failure mechanism .

  23. 运用Au-Sn-Ni和Au-Sn-Cr三元相图预测了Ni和Cr作为金刚石热沉金属化体系Ti/Ni/SnAu和Ti/Cr/SnAu的阻挡层的可行性。

    The feasibility of Ni and Cr as barrier layers of metallization systems , Ti / Ni / SnAu and Ti / Cr / SnAu respectively , were forecasted by studying the Au-Sn-Ni and Au-Sn-Cr ternary phase diagrams .

  24. 文中讨论了低温装置中的热沉问题。

    The problem of heat sinks in cryogenic equipment is discussed .

  25. 热沉结构设计中关键因素的仿真研究

    Numerical study on key factors influencing the structure of heat sink

  26. 本文对二维的热沉问题进行了理论分析和讨论。

    The paper analyzed and discussed two-dimensional heat sink in theory .

  27. 空间环境模拟器的液氮热沉总漏率的测试方法

    Method of Heat Sink 's Leakage Test which in Space Environment

  28. 竖直毛细微槽群热沉中蒸发液体的干涸特性

    Dryout characteristics of evaporating liquid in vertical capillary microgrooves heat sink

  29. 大型空间环境模拟设备热沉设计与研究

    Design and research of heat accumulation device in large space environment

  30. 金刚石薄膜热沉的制备研究

    Fabrication of Heat Sinks Made of Vapor Growth Diamond Film