
  • 网络sfn adapter
  1. 其次,本文提出了单频网适配器实现的整体方案。

    Secondly , the integral scheme of SFN adapter 's implementation is proposed .

  2. 本文详细介绍了单频网适配器的设计原理和结构。

    This paper describe the principle and structure of SFN Adapter 's design in detail .

  3. 介绍了一个单频网适配器的设计方案,该方案由基于FPGA实现的核心功能模块和基于ARM嵌入式CPU实现的控制模块组成。

    This paper introduces a design of single frequency network adaptor , which consists of a core functionality module based on FPGA and a control module based on an ARM embedded CPU .

  4. 本文所研究的单频网适配器,是实现单频网组网的关键设备之一。

    The SFN adapter studied here is one of the key equipments of the SFN .

  5. 然后,将这些核心模块和其余功能模块组建起铁路电视各部分独立设备,设计出铁路电视单频网卫星适配器、地面同步调制发射机和车载分集接收机。

    Then we combine the kernel modules and the other modules to build the all the independent equipments of railway TV SFN system . These equipments include satellite adapter , terrestrial synchronous modulation transmitter and vehicle-mounted diversity receiver .

  6. 在简要介绍DVB-T单频网系统结构的基础上,着重分析了单频网适配器的原理以及兆帧、兆帧初始化包的结构,并举例说明了DVB-T单频网中发射机之间的同步原理。

    The paper introduces the structure of DVB-T single frequency network , emphasises on analyzing the principle of SFN adapter and the structure of mega-frame and mega-frame initialization packet . Finally exemplifies how the DVB_T transmitters is synchronized in the single frequency network .