
  • 网络atomicity;Unithood;Unit;Molteplicita e Unita
  1. 主体性与综合性的交融:综合单元性道德学习论解析

    The Blending of Subjectivity and Comprehensiveness : An Analysis of the Theoryof Comprehensive Unit Moral Learning

  2. 试验结果表明:系统完全可以满足光纤作业高精度技术指标的要求,而且这些技术具有单元性、模块化程度高等特点,因而还可以应用于其他工程领域。

    The experimental results demonstrate that the system may satisfy entirely high technical request of fiber operation and these techniques possess unit point and modularization , hence they may be used in other engineering .

  3. 创造性思维是单元性思维与多元性思维的对立统一。

    Creative thinking is the unity of opposites of the single thinking and multiple thinking .

  4. 我尤其对您向我讲述的关于如何将单元性的股票抵押贷款业务拓展成收费型综合业务项目的问题非常感兴趣。

    I was especially intrigue by the experience you have shared with me on how to expand single-share financing business into a fee based multi-products business .

  5. 结论兴建防螺扩散设施,阻断钉螺扩散途径,形成单元性强的灭螺小区进行治理是垸内水网型血吸虫病流行区控制钉螺减少发病的有效对策和措施。

    Conclusion Setting up the installation obstracted snails to cut off the way of snails spreading was the effective measure of control schistosomiasis in lake-swamp areas .

  6. 动态有限元法将结构的动态特性引入单元性态中,以结构的动特性为基础来构造位移形函我,从根本上改变单元性质,使之成为结构动态分析的高精度单元。

    In the finite dynamic element method , the dynamic characteristics . of struture is included the function matrix in order to improving the accuracy of the dynamic analysis of structures .

  7. 比较并分析了部分试验的结果,以此得出了H∞鲁棒控制能显著地增强电子控制单元鲁棒性的结论。

    H_ ∞ robust control can observably strengthen robustness of Electronic Control Unit was got based on comparing and analysing the part of the test results .

  8. EPB威胁下的地空导弹火力单元生存性研究

    Survivability character of ground-to-air missile fire unit under the threat of EPB

  9. 本文主要探讨了在不同DEM分辨率下两种地貌类型区地形湿度指数的尺度效应,以及由于DEM水平分辨率不同而导致的DEM栅格单元异质性对地形湿度指数提取的影响。

    This paper explored the resolution effects of the TWI and the influence of terrain heterogeneity of DEM grids among different resolution DEMs for two different terrain regions .

  10. 针对C2R模型下DEA有效决策单元多重性问题,给出C2R模型一种新的线性等价形式。

    This paper gives a new linear equivalent form of C ~ 2R-model for the multiple solutions problems of C ~ 2R-model .

  11. 运用预先危险性分析(PHA)理论对城市控制爆破工程安全评价的内容和方法进行了探讨,建立了城市控制爆破作业单元危险性评价表。

    The methods and content of safety assessment of controlled blasting engineering in city are systematical discussed based on Preliminary Hazard Analysis ( PHA ), establishing a list of hazard assessment of the operation unit of controlled blasting in city .

  12. 拟协调九参数三角形板单元的性态分析

    The Characteristic Analysis of Nine Parameter Triangular Plate Element for Quasi-conforming Technique

  13. 天线单元方向性越强,信道容量越大。

    The stronger antenna directivity is , the greater the channel capacity .

  14. 讨论单片机普通串行通讯方式对微机保护现场单元实时性的影响;

    Some problems appearing in serial communication of field unit are also discussed .

  15. 三维非协调单元收敛性的简易判别方法

    A simple method to distinguish the convergence of 3-D non & conforming elements

  16. 基本作战单元修复性维修过程建模仿真

    Base operational unit corrective maintenance process modeling and simulation

  17. 各单元整合性不足。

    Faults with the integration of units .

  18. 消声单元对抗性消声器的声学特性有重要影响。

    The characteristics of basic muffler units have much impact to acoustic characteristics of mufflers .

  19. 单元安全性语法有效。

    The cell security syntax is valid .

  20. 介绍了一种考虑岩石锚杆单元塑性性能的修正常数法。

    This paper presents a method for analyzing the plastic properties of a grouted rock bolt element .

  21. 在应用研究方面,对应用数据包络分析的具体方法、决策单元有效性的评估进行了研究。

    In application , it studies the method of DEA and the evaluation of validity of DMU .

  22. 多单元方向性可控天线

    Multiple unit steerable antenna

  23. 根据桁架模型确定单元塑性铰区域的抗剪刚度;

    The shear rigidity of plastic hinge in pole unit model is made certain on the truss model .

  24. 以及组合膜处理后各个膜分离单元功能性成分的再分布情况和主要污染物指标的变化;

    After combination membrane processing the distributed situation of function ingredient and main pollutant in each membrane separation unit ;

  25. 刀具信息的自动采集是实现制造单元敏捷性的关键,它不仅可以解决刀具库存中手工录入刀具信息速度慢、出错率高的问题;

    The automatic collection of tool data information is the key . point to actualize the agile of manufacturing cell .

  26. 阻尼层厚度局部单元随机性的影响表明了对阻尼结构采用随机分析的必要性。

    The influence of damping layer as random variable within each element shows that the random analysis for viscoelastic damped structure is necessary .

  27. 转变变化在响应合并和获取的时候可能是必须的,在驱动业务单元透明性和独立性时是需要的。

    Transformational change may be necessary in response to mergers and acquisitions , or a need to drive business unit transparency or independence .

  28. 本论文的主要工作就是开发出一套自动化程度高、建库时间短并且精度高的单元库特性化软件,以满足国内集成电路设计企业的需求。

    In order to meet the requirement of civil enterprise on IC design , the author decides to develop the software on characterize of cell library .

  29. 本文研究了薄厚板壳有限单元统一性理论中,由于采用降阶积分而使得刚度矩阵产生奇异的问题。

    The singularity of thick and thin plate element stiffness matrix due to the use of the reduced integration on the basis of the finite element is investigated .

  30. 其次依据决策单元有效性的要求,运用灵敏度分析的思想,站在线性规划的角度,建立了质量成本分析模型;

    This is based on the characteristics of the military enterprise and its products . A quality cost analysis model is set up according to linear programming sensitivity analysis .