
  • 网络Remote communication;Telecommunication
  1. 本文提出了一个基于Web的实时交互教学环境模型,并在此基础上利用Java、ActiveX技术开发了一个多点实时语音远程交流系统。

    The essay presents a real time interactive teaching environment mode based on Web , and develops a multi-points real time phonetics distant interactive system by using Java , Activex .

  2. 利用Project2000可以创建和优化项目计划,跟踪项目进度及远程交流项目信息等。

    And the project plan can be created and optimized also .

  3. 这不是说所有员工现在都是远程交流。

    This is not to mention all of the employees who are currently telecommuting .

  4. 在特殊情况下,可能也会远程交流。

    They may also telecommute in exceptional circumstances .

  5. 然而,当开发团队散布于不同的地理位置时,很难进行有效的远程交流。

    However , when a team works in different locations , it becomes harder for remote communications to be efficient .

  6. 为了改变这种状况,本文提出在863科研课题管理过程中应用项目管理的思想,同时借助于Internet的所提供的远程的信息交流平台,加强对课题的管理。

    In order to change the status quo , the present thesis initiates the application of project management in the operation of 863 Program with the remote information platform provided by the Internet to enhance the topic management .

  7. 基于IP交换网络的多点视频会议系统的实现由于其成本的低廉,交互性强大,多点共同参与的特点和优点取代了传统的电视、电话会议成为了人们通过远程进行会议交流的理想选择。

    Multiple endpoints video conference based on IP network has taken place some traditional remote conference system like TV video conference and telephone conference because of it 's lower cost and more advantage .

  8. 简述并探讨了Email的特点及在现代生活中如家庭购物、远程医疗信息交流、网络教育、文化娱乐、信息获取、咨询及检索等的广泛应用。

    E-mail has its special characteristics and is widely adopted in modern life for online shopping , remote medical treatment , information exchange , network education , entertainment , information inquiry , consultation and etc.

  9. 中国远程教育国际交流史研究

    Research on Distance Education International Exchange History in China

  10. 笔者认为,利用网络和多媒体技术,设计在线学术交流平台,精选研讨主题,组织各地的专家和参与者一起在线交流,可以获得较好的远程即时互动交流效果。

    In the author 's opinion , adopting the network and multimedia technology , the online academic communication platform can be designed . Based on the platform , the online communication , which focuses on academic themes between experts and participants , can get better effect of distant real-time interaction .

  11. 总结国际交流的历史,我们应注意科学引进国际成果,把办出特色的远程教育作为国际交流的目的,且继续增强实力,才能实现远程教育的持续性发展。

    To summarize the international exchange history , we should advert to introduce into international production , aim to develop distinctive distance education , and continue to buildup strength , which is the basis of distance education durative development .

  12. 近年来,多媒体数字办公系统在远程教学、商务交流和商业会议、企业客户服务和产品开发、远程医疗和会诊、跨国企业交流等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In recent years , multimedia digital office system has been playing a more and more important role in long-distance education , commerce communion and conference , corporation client service and product development , long-distance medical treatment and consultation , multinational corporation communion and so on .

  13. 对视频编解码和传输的研究工作可为医患之间提供更便捷的交流,也有助于远程观摩和远程教学及交流。

    The research on video encoding , decoding and transmission can provide convenient communication between doctors and patients , which is also benefit for remote teaching observation .

  14. 在远程教学中,师生间的远程交流与互动是其重要环节和基本特征,也是远程教育教学质量的基本保证,而这一功能的实现主要依靠学习支持服务系统。

    In distance education , long-distance exchange and the interaction between teachers ' and students ' are its important link and the essential feature , are also the distance learning quality of teaching basic guarantee , but this function realization mainly depends on studying support service system .

  15. 远程控制技术可以应用在远程办公、远程技术支持、远程交流(远程培训、教育)、远程维护和管理等很多方面,具有很好的应用前景。

    Remote control technology possesses a bright future in the following fields : remote office , remote technology support , remote communication ( Including remote train and remote education ), remote maintenance , remote manage , etc.

  16. 本文首先分析了远程网络监控系统的基本原理,在此基础上,深入研究了远程网络数字交流伺服控制系统的系统组成和控制方式,并提出了C/S模式解决方案;

    In the thesis , I first analyzed the fundamental principle of telecontrol system , and then I researched the system structure and control method , and proposed a C / S mode solution .