
  1. 关于广义分散控制系统无穷远固定模的进一步研究

    A further research on infinite fixed mode in Singular Decentralized Control Systems

  2. 运用数理统计法、实验法对三级跳远运动员进行远固定力量训练。

    The methods of statistics , on-the-spot test , high speed photography and experiment were used in study .

  3. 本文着重讨论了广义分散控制系统的脉冲特性,主要包括无穷远固定模的性质、脉冲可控性与脉冲可观性。

    In this paper , we mainly studied the impulsive properties of the singular decentralized control sys-tems , it includes infinite fixed modes 、 impulsive controllability and impulsive observability .

  4. 采用多功能力量训练器和远固定髋受力下肢力量训练器分别测定94名从未用过髋受力训练器的受试者的最大下肢力量和最大后蹬力量。

    Multifunction strength training apparatus and far fixed hip stress lower limb strength training apparatus were respectively used to test the maximal lower limb strength and maximal driving strength of 94 objects .

  5. 一个投掷落在较远的固定的地点。

    A cast that falls beyond the intended spot .

  6. 直升机本身的结构特点和使用条件、环境使得直升机事故率远高于固定翼飞机。

    Failure rate of the helicopter is far beyond the fixed wing aircraft . The reasons for it are that design features of helicopter itself , working conditions and environment .

  7. 由于短语长度的限制,一些在中文中间隔较远的固定结构并不能被完整的抽取出来。

    Due to the restriction of the allowed maximum length of a Chinese phrase , some fixed structures which are separated in a relative long distance can not be extracted as a whole unit .

  8. 直升机在飞行中,有六个空间自由度,其平衡都是由旋翼旋转产生的升力面的矢量分量和尾翼产生的力矩来进行控制,其控制难度远大于固定翼飞行器。

    Helicopter has six degrees of space freedom in flight , The balance control by generated by rotating rotor lifting surface of the vector component and torque generated by the tail , difficult to control than fixed-wing aircraft .

  9. 现在掌握的直升机空气动力和动力学分析计算软件,其可靠性远不及固定翼飞机的高,许多重要的问题必须通过全尺寸飞行试验来解决。

    The helicopter aerodynamics and dynamics analysis and calculation software , which have been developed so far , is much less reliable than that of fixed-wing airplane , thus many important problems must be solved though full-scale flight tests .

  10. 生物固定态氮对当季作物的有效性远较新固定的固定态铵的低。

    The availability of the biologically immobilized N to the current crop was much less than that of the " newly " fixed ammonium N.

  11. SSRO后,近远中骨段的固定位置应选择在能使下颌升支应力分散的区域,至少应保持6~8周。

    After SSRO , the fixation point should be placed in those areas that the stress to mandibular ramus can be dispersed , and the fixing duration should be 6 to 8 weeks at least .