
yuǎn yánɡ bān lún
  • ocean liner
  1. 乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。

    It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner .

  2. 1939年5月13日,德国远洋班轮圣路易斯号(SSStLouis)从汉堡起航。

    On May 13 1939 the SS St Louis , a German ocean liner , set sail from Hamburg .

  3. 远洋班轮公司通过船务代理在指定港口销售舱位。

    Shipping lines use shipping agent to sell their freight space in a particular port .

  4. 在远洋班轮市场,船东可以将船舶租予船公司。

    In the liner shipping market , ship owners can rent ships to a shipping line .

  5. 今天,越来越多的货物通过空运送达,尽管远洋班轮还是很广泛地使用。

    Today , more and more goods are shipped by air , though ocean liners are still very extensively used .

  6. 澳大利亚矿业企业家克莱夫?帕尔默周二公布了泰坦尼克二号的设计蓝图,这一设计是对那艘沉没的远洋班轮的现代复制版,不过他不再号称这艘船永不沉没。

    Australian mining entrepreneur Clive Palmer on Tuesday unveiled blueprints for Titanic II , a modern replica of the doomed ocean liner , although he stopped short of calling the vessel unsinkable .

  7. 竞争激烈的市场环境,高投入、低回报的行业特点,决定了远洋集装箱班轮运输企业(班轮企业)加强成本管理的必要性和重要性。

    In the intensely competitive market , with the trade characteristics of high inputs and low returns , it is necessary and important for ocean container liner companies to tighten up the cost management .

  8. 随着集装箱运输与世界海运业的蓬勃发展,远洋集装箱班轮市场的竞争日趋激烈,运价增长的空间有限,贸易不平衡又导致空箱调运的费时费力。

    With the vigorous development of container transportation and the world maritime industry , the competition of ocean container liner market becomes increasingly fierce . The space of freight growth is limited . The trade imbalance leads to huge loss on empty container allocation .