
  1. 本文解析了当代英国犹太女作家伯尼斯·鲁本思的两部代表性小说中的替罪羊形象,指出正是这种替罪羊身份决定了主人公悲剧性的人生。

    The present paper analyzes the scapegoat motif in two representative novels of contemporary Jewish woman writer Bernice Rubens with the indication that it is this scapegoat identity that determines the characters ' tragic life .

  2. 我的宣誓仪式是由最高法院的犹太裔女大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格(RuthBaderGinsburg)主持的。

    my oath was administered by Ruth Bader Ginsburg , a Jewish female justice of the Supreme Court .

  3. 当代南非犹太族女作家纳丁·戈迪默(1923-)曾经获得1991年诺贝尔文学奖和众多其它文学类奖项。

    As the laureate of Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991 and the winner of many other prestigious literary awards , Nadine Gordimer ( 1923 & ), a contemporary South African Jewish woman writer , has attracted much criticism and attention all over the world .