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  • a Judas kiss
  1. 只见盖世太保的头子走进教室,来要让·基普尔斯坦,张皇失措的朱利安不由自主转过脸去看了看他的朋友——岂不正是犹大之吻,但并非存心所为。

    When the Gestapo chief comes into the classroom asking for Jean Kippelstein , the scared , nervous Julien involuntarily turns and looks at his friend-it 's a Judas kiss , but an unintentional one .

  2. 人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过是犹大之吻&居心险恶。

    People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss .

  3. 他的行为,可以说,是犹大之吻。

    His act was , so to speak , a Judan kiss .