
  • 网络Jewess
  1. 犹太人对非犹太女子的贬低的称呼。

    A derogatory term used by Jews to refer to non-Jewish women .

  2. 以斯帖则是嫁给外邦人的犹太女子,并因此救了她的民族。

    Esther was a Jew who married a Gentile and saved her own nation .

  3. 戴西可能和她很不一样了,她是个比较冷静,比较规矩的旧式犹太女子。

    Daisy had been a very different sort of person & cooler , more regular , a conventional Jewish woman .

  4. 但是上帝的太阳照在基督徒的墓地上,也照在墙外犹太女子的坟上。基督教徒墓地里的赞美歌声,也在她的坟墓上空盘旋。

    And God 's sun , which shines upon the graves of the churchyard of the Christians , also throws its beams on the grave of the Jewish maiden beyond the wall .

  5. 过了几天、腓力斯和他夫人犹太的女子土西拉、一同来到、就叫了保罗来、听他讲论信基督耶稣的道。

    But after some days , Felix came with Drusilla his wife , who was of the Jews by birth , and sent for paul , and gave hearing to him about faith in Christ jesus .