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  1. 【律】法律条文的解释严格遵守犹太法典解释中的摩西律法的犹太教派。

    Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud .

  2. 本课程所涵盖的作品包括犹太法典、经典非线性小说、实验文学、早期的影音实验、到近年来的多轴线与互动电影、互动游戏。

    Works covered in this course range from the Talmud , classics of non-linear novels , experimental literature , early sound and film experiments to recent multi-linear and interactive films and games .

  3. GUNTERDEMNIG表示,这一创意的灵感来自犹太法典中的一句话:当一个人的名字被忘却时,这个人才算真正被遗忘。

    The creation was inspired by a sentence in Jewish Law : a person was totally forgotten only when the name of a person was forgotten , the artist said .

  4. 我还能够把一些犹太法典的知识融会于我的谈论之中。

    I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore , too .

  5. 犹太法典成了,在这个过程中百年来,“围栏周围法”;

    The Talmud became , in the course of centuries ," the fence around the Law ";

  6. 在阅读完《犹太法典》后,我的确被犹太人的生活方式以及他们难以置信的能力所震惊。

    After reading Talmud , I am truly amazed by the Jews way of life and their unbelievable capabilities .

  7. 乔查尼先生穿着像个流浪汉,然而却是个深解人类多种领域学问的大师,包括科学,数学,哲学,特别是犹太法典《塔木德》他都擅长。

    Chouchani dressed like a vagabond but was a master of vast areas of human knowledge , including science , mathematics , philosophy and especially the Talmud .

  8. “这是我除犹太法典外,唯一阅读的东西,”他说,那厚重,包皮的巴比伦语课本放在信包里,放着以后用。

    " It 's the only thing I read on the train except for the Talmud ," he said , his thick , leather-bound Babylonian text tucked inside his messenger bag for later consumption .

  9. 口臭经常在犹太经书中提到过的,犹太法典规定:如果你是一个牧师有口臭,不能在教堂内履行圣洁的职责。

    Bad breath is frequently mentioned in Jewish scripture The Talmud stating that if you were a'Cohen ' ( a priest ) you couldn 't perform holy duties on the Temple if your breath was bad .