
  • 网络Qin system
  1. 第二章界定秦系正体文字的时代、地域、研究对象及正体文字的特征。

    Chapter 2 defined Qin Dynasty traditional text of the times , geographical , and objects of study .

  2. 在政敌激烈的角逐过程中,秦桧系势力胜出,结果确立了绍兴十二年的体制。

    Intense competition in the process of political opponents , the Qin Hui won the Department of forces , resulting in the establishment of the system in Shaoxing years .

  3. 江苏及邻区在大地构造位置上跨越中朝断块区、扬子断块区和昆祁秦断褶系三大一级构造单元。

    Jiangsu and its adjacent area is located in the intersection of three main blocks : Sino-Korea Block , Yangtze Block , and Qin-Qi-Kun Fold Zone .

  4. 黑刺沟金矿位于秦祁昆地槽褶皱系南祁连地向斜构造带的西段。

    Heicigou gold deposit is regionally located at the western section of the southern Qilian geosyncline of QinlingQilianKunlunshan mountain fold system .