
  • 网络Qinshan Nuclear Power Station;Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
  1. 自建厂以来先后为上海宝山钢铁总厂、秦山核电站等大中型企业制造成套电器仪表控制装置。

    Since its foundation , Song Ting has cooperated with Shanghai Bao Steel , Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant , large-scaled enterprises in the production of whole-set control equipments .

  2. 设计并建造了30万千瓦的秦山核电站;

    Designed and established the300000-kw Qinshan nuclear power station ;

  3. 通过两种规格的样品进行不同中子注量的辐照考验,证明国产GG-17硼硅玻璃取代~(10)B不锈钢用作秦山核电站可燃毒物是安全、经济、合理的。

    Two type glass samples have been irradiated with different levels of neutron flux . It proved that the GG-17 borosilicate glass can be used as burnable poison to replace the 10B stainless steel in the Qin Shan Nuclear Power Plant , and it is safe , economical and reasonable .

  4. 秦山核电站核岛环廊爆破开挖技术探讨

    Investigation on the Blasting Excavation Technique of the Circle of Nuclear React Building

  5. 秦山核电站的设计和建造

    Designing and Building of Qin Shan Nuclear Power Plant

  6. 因此,研究适合秦山核电站的核污染输送模式,并分析污染物的输送情况,对保护浙江天然的资源,尽可能地减少核污染对浙江经济所造成的损失是非常有必要的。

    The dispersion model which is fit for Qinshan nuclear power station is studied and the dispersion of nuclear pollutant is analyzed , which is of great necessity to reduce the loss .

  7. 秦山核电站位于浙江省海盐县,濒临东海杭州湾,并且邻近上海、杭州等特大城市,是中国第一座依靠自己的力量设计、建造和运营管理的核电站。一期工程额定发电功率30万千瓦,采用国际上成熟的压水型反应堆。

    Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant-independently designed and built by China-is located in Haiyan County , beside the Hongzhou Bay , near the big cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province , the first nuclear power station with a 300MW pressurized water reactor .

  8. 我国核电安全监督管理的现状与对策&对秦山、大亚湾核电站基地的调查

    The Current Situation and Countermeasure of Management and Supervision for Nuclear Power Safety in China

  9. 介绍了大亚湾和秦山一期核电站蒸汽发生器清洗前、后的目视检查。

    It describes the visual inspection generator of steam con in Daya Bay and Qinshan INPPbefore cleaning and after cleaning .

  10. 就中国辐射防护研究院与大亚湾、秦山两个核电站开展的个人剂量双轨监测,对1998年度的监测方法和数据进行了总结。

    The intercomparison method and data on dual track dose monitoring were summarized between CIRP and GNPS or QNPS in 1998 . The statistic results show that both deviations are controlled within ± 20 % .