
  1. 秦奋:我替你们挖抗埋了。

    Qinfen : I 'll bury them for you .

  2. 秦奋:离了也是好朋友。

    Qinfen : Divorced but still good friends .

  3. 秦奋:二位倒香槟。

    Qinfen : Please pour the champagne .

  4. 秦奋:芒果,你诚实的回答我,把手放上,从今往后,不论香山多么富有,多么健康,多么爱你,你都不愿意和他在一起吗?

    Qinfen : Mango , please answer me honestly , place your hand on , from now on , it doesn 't matter how rich , how healthy or how much Xiangshan loves you , you still wouldn 't be with him ?