
  • 网络Water reactor;Lwr
  1. 水堆燃料设计改进

    Design Improvements in LWR Fuel

  2. 先进压水堆C形环研究

    Research ofC - Ring for Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor

  3. 用离子交换树脂控制压水堆&回路水的pH

    Controling pH of Primary Circuit Coolant of PWR by Ionexchange Resin

  4. 压水堆核电站运行堆芯物理过程的PC仿真和演示平台研制

    The Person-Computer Simulation And Demonstrate platform Research on PWR Nuclear Power Plant Physics-Running

  5. 压水堆安全壳喷淋系统PSA敏感性初步分析

    Preliminary PSA sensitivity analysis of the containment spray system of pressurized water reactors

  6. 用于超临界水堆燃料包壳的ODS铁素体钢的研究进展

    Progress of Using Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels as Fuel Cladding Materials in Supercritical Water Reactor

  7. 压水堆加钍(ThO2)六角形组件堆芯物理特性的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of physical properties for hexagon lattice PWR Core Using thorium

  8. 对压水堆功率控制过程进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,与传统的PID控制相比,神经网络监督控制具有较强的自适应能力和鲁棒性,有效地提高了控制系统的精度。

    The computer simulation results show that the neural network supervisory control has more adaptive ability and robust than that of a PID controller , and the control precision is increased .

  9. CANDU堆相比一般的压水堆在设计上有显著的区别。

    Compared to the general PWR , CANDU reactor has significant differences on design .

  10. 核电站压水堆(PWR)在寿期末长时间停堆后重返满功率的运行过程中,堆芯控制存在困难,常常不能够安全快速地进入满功率运行。

    There are difficulties in the control of reactor core when the reactor returning the full power operation after shutdown during end of cycle .

  11. 300MW压水堆CRDM密封壳壳体结构强度试验

    The Structural Test for 300 MW PWR CRDM Pressured Shell

  12. 通过对压水堆数学仿真的研究,建立了基于MFC和Vega平台的压水堆数学仿真模型。

    The mathematical simulation model for PWR based on the platform of MFC and Vega is built through the analysis of the mathematical simulation of PWR .

  13. 2×600MW压水堆核电厂的上网电价计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Electric Price in Connection-grid of 2 × 600MW PWR Nuclear Power Plant

  14. 研制出了相应的压水堆核动力厂控制系统可视化模化与系统仿真软件&NCS,并用NCS软件对商用核电站控制系统进行了仿真研究,得到了满意的结果。

    A corresponding simulating software , NCS , is developed for researching on the control systems of commercial nuclear power plant . And some satisfactory results are obtained .

  15. 参考压水堆(PWR)的经验,提出了类似PWR的考虑局部参数变化的参数化截面方法。

    Based on the experiences from PWR , a similar cross-section parameterized method to be used in CANDU is proposed to consider the feedbacks of local parameters .

  16. GO-FLOW法在压水堆余热排出系统可靠性分析中的应用

    Application of GO-FLOW Methodology to RHS Reliability Analysis in PWR

  17. 我国2×600MW压水堆核电站的投资研究和电力成本分析

    The Capital Investment and Electricity Cost of 2 × 600 MW PWR Nuclear Power Plant in China

  18. 1000MW和600MW压水堆核电站的电力成本分析

    The Electric Costs Analysis of 1000 MW and 600 MW PWR Nuclear Power Plant

  19. 在对压水堆主回路系统分析的基础上,设计了基于高层体系结构(HLA)的主回路系统仿真的联邦成员构成和实现主回路系统虚拟仿真的体系结构。

    Considering the function of PWR primary loop system , an architecture and federations design of primary loop system operation and control simulation based on High Level Architecture ( HLA ) is presented . M ?

  20. 总结了我国300MW压水堆核电厂堆芯反应性控制组件设计的基本经验。

    The basic experiences of designing core reactivity control assemblies for300MW PWR nuclear power plant in China are summarized .

  21. 回流冷凝是压水堆发生失水事故(LOCA)时的重要传热方式之一。

    Counterflow condensation is one of the important core cooling mechanisms during a loss of coolant accident ( LOCA ) of PWR .

  22. 自主化1000MW级压水堆核电站核蒸汽供应系统概念设计

    Conceptual Design of NSSS for 1000 MW PWR Nuclear Power Plant of China

  23. 1000MW级压水堆电站启动

    Start-up of 1000 MW Class PWR Plants

  24. 焊管旋压JCO成型过程稳定性的研究压水堆稳压器波动管热分层的分析研究

    Research on Stability of Rotating Pressure JCO Forming Course in Welded Pipe Analysis of Thermal Stratification for Pressurizer Surge Line

  25. 三维压水堆燃料管理程序CSIM-3

    Development of Three Dimensions PWR Fuel Management Software CSIM-3

  26. 西南反应堆工程研究设计院对600MWe先进压水堆核电厂(AC-600)进行了概念设计。

    Southwest Center of Reactor Engineering has made the conceptual design of a 600 MWe advanced PWR nuclear power plant ( AC-600 ) .

  27. 根据我国已拥有压水堆(PWR)和坎杜(CANDU)堆的具体情况,提出一种PWR/CANDU联合核燃料循环的策略。

    Based on the existing pressurized water reactors ( PWR ) and Canada deuterium uranium ( CANDU ) reactors in China , one advanced nuclear fuel cycle strategy of PWR / CANDU synergism was proposed .

  28. 电力系统全过程仿真所需要的火电厂动力系统的数学模型、水电厂动态模型、压水堆核电站模型以及发电自动控(AGC)模型等已在电力系统全过程仿真软件中得到实现。

    The dynamic models , such as thermal power plant , hydroelectric power plant , nuclear power plant and the automatic generation control ( AGC ), which are necessary for power system full simulation are implemented in power system full dynamic simulation software .

  29. 根据分析结果提出新的改进组件。采用新的改进组件,可以提高使用MOX燃料的超临界水堆的安全性能。

    According to the analysis , a new SCWR improved assembly design is presented , which could be used to improve the safety performance of SCWR with MOX fuel .

  30. AP-600是目前世界上正在开发的90年代中型先进压水堆的典范。

    It is an outstanding example of medium-sized APWR for the1990 's to be developed worldwide .