
  • 网络water-borne wood coatings
  1. PA乳液由于玻璃化温度较高,一般在常温下不能成膜,在配制水性木器涂料时需加入成膜助剂。

    What is more , the PA emulsion could not form a good film generally at room temperature , which was due to the higher glass transition temperature . Thus , the water-borne wood coatings were required to add the film-forming additives in the preparation period .

  2. 新一代水性木器涂料用丙烯酸乳液的研究

    Study on acrylic later for water-borne wood coatings of new generation

  3. PU乳液制备的水性木器涂料硬度不高、耐化学性差。

    The produced water-borne PU emulsion coatings of wood had low hardness and poor chemical resistance .

  4. 但PA乳液的成膜性差,干燥速度慢和涂膜硬度低等,限制了其在水性木器涂料中的应用。

    However , PA latexes exhibit low hardness , poor film-forming ability , slowly drying speed , and has already limited its application in waterborne wood coatings .

  5. 用丙烯酸聚氨酯分散体ER-05研制的水性木器涂料丙烯酸酯改性聚酯聚氨酯水分散体的合成及结构表征

    Water-borne Wood Coatings Prepared with the Acrylic Polyurethane Dispersion ER-05 Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Aqueous Acrylate Modified Polyurethane Dispersion

  6. 水性木器涂料及树脂的现状和发展

    The Present Situation and Development of Water-based Wood Coatings and Resin

  7. 锌离子交联水性木器涂料用苯丙乳液的研制

    Preparation of Zinc Ion Crosslink Styrene-Acrylic Emulsions for Waterborne Wood Coatings

  8. 我国水性木器涂料现状与发展思路

    Current status and development of water-based furniture coatings in China

  9. 水性木器涂料流水线涂装生产工艺探讨

    Discussion on the application line technology of water-borne wood coatings

  10. 水性木器涂料的应用前景及配方讨论

    Use Prospect and Compositions Discuss of Water-borne Wood Coatings

  11. 耐磨紫外光固化水性木器涂料的研究

    Study on UV-curable water-borne wood coatings of abrasion-resistance

  12. 广东地区木器漆发展现状我国水性木器涂料市场展望

    The current status of the developments of the furniture coatings in Guangdong province Look ahead on the market of water-based furniture coatings

  13. 概述水性木器涂料的优势,指出水性木器涂料的不足之处,提出水性木器涂料发展的建议。

    This article points out the advantages and shortcomings of waterborne wood coatings , then puts forward suggestions on its future development .

  14. 介绍水性木器涂料用树脂的类型、存在的主要问题以及水性丙烯酸乳液木器涂料的新进展。

    The types of resin for water-borne wood coatings , existent problems and the latest development of polyacrylate emulsion wood paint were introduced .

  15. 介绍了纳米抗菌水性木器涂料的开发过程和施工工艺,分析讨论了其中的技术和问题。

    This paper introduces the development process and application technology of nano antibacterial water-borne wood coatings and analyzes the technology and problems in them .

  16. 讨论水性木器涂料的标准和应用性,主要采用水性丙烯酸乳液应对具体应用的解决方案。

    This paper discusses the standards and use of water-borne wood coatings , and the solutions to practical use mainly by water-borne acrylic latex .

  17. 介绍了水性木器涂料的国家标准、腻子的作用、底涂和面涂,并讨论了其施工工艺。

    It introduces the national standards about the water-borne wood coatings , the function of putties , primers and top coatings and the application technology .

  18. 介绍了我国水性木器涂料用水性树脂的研究进展,并分析了水性木器涂料的现状及前景。

    This paper introduces the research status of China water-borne resin for water-borne wood coatings and analyzes the market situation and prospect of water-borne wood coatings .

  19. 水性木器涂料主要为丙烯酸酯与聚氨酯两大类,其研究进展集中表现为乳液改性,包括自交联、共混共聚、微乳液等;

    The waterborne wood coatings are mainly classified as acrylate and polyurethane based kinds , focused on emulsion modification including self-crosslinking , blend copolymerization and micro-emulsion , etc.

  20. 重防腐涂料,尤其是集装箱涂料,是很有发展前途的工业涂料品种。水性木器涂料流水线涂装生产工艺探讨

    Heavy-duty anti-corrosive coatings , especially cabinet coatings , is another area which has bright developing prospect . Discussion on the application line technology of water-borne wood coatings

  21. 随着我国环保管理力度的加大,我国的水性木器涂料市场将会逐渐繁荣。

    Issues concerning health , safety and environment are becoming important year by year . So , the market of water-based furniture coatings must be flourishing gradually .

  22. 流线化生产系统在我国服装企业应用的可行性水性木器涂料流水线涂装生产工艺探讨

    Research on the application of feasibility of streaming production system ′ s in garment enterprise in China ; Discussion on the application line technology of water-borne wood coatings

  23. 现阶段水性木器涂料的主要问题就是漆膜的硬度不够、耐水性不高,在使用过程中极易造成漆膜的破坏,影响漆膜的装饰效果。

    The principal problem of aqueous wood lacquer is that the film is not enough hard or bad water resistance which is easily causing demolition of the film and affects the effect of decorating .

  24. 指出研究新型乳液以提高水性木器涂料涂膜的表面性能,开发新型原材料以降低紫外光固化木器涂料的成本、扩大适应范围将成为今后环保型木器涂料的研究重点。

    It 's a future trend that novel emulsion should be developed for improving film surface performance of waterborne wood coatings , and that novel raw materials should be developed for reducing cost of UV curing wood coatings and broadening application sectors .

  25. 水性聚氨酯木器涂料改性研究进展

    Research progress on modification in waterborne polyurethane wood coatings

  26. 偶联剂改性水性聚氨酯木器涂料

    Coupling Agent Modified Aqueous Polyurethane Wood Coatings

  27. 叙述了水性聚氨酯丙烯酸木器涂料的制备。

    The preparation of waterborne acrylic-urethane wood finish was described .

  28. 水性木器是现今涂料研发和生产的热点。

    Water-based wood coating are a popular topic in development and production of today 's coating .

  29. 性能测定表明:以此乳液再配以其他助剂制得的水性聚氨酯建筑用木器涂料,具有优异的粘附力、耐水性和力学性能。

    It has shown that the aqueous polyurethane wood coatings based on this emulsion can provide good adhesion , water resistance and mechanical properties .

  30. 高光泽水性聚氨酯及水性木器涂料的研制

    Preparation of high gloss water-borne PU and water-borne wood coatings