
kuài ɡān qī
  • quick-drying (or sharp) paint
快干漆 [kuài gān qī]
  • [sharp paint] 用作底漆或封闭剂的颜料,属挥发型的干燥品种

  1. F级快干绝缘漆的研制及应用

    Research and Application of Class F Fast-curing Insulating Varnish

  2. 电机浸漆用快干绝缘漆的试验与应用

    Testing and application of the fast-dry insulating paint for motor dip-painting

  3. 苯乙烯改性醇酸树脂及快干醇酸漆的研制

    Preparation of Styrene Modified Alkyd Resin and Fast Drying Alkyd Paint

  4. 癸二酸副产物制备超快干氨基漆

    Preparation of quick-drying amino paint by by-products of sebacic acid

  5. 墙面用水基快干明漆打底,并用标准软木壁脚板把墙包起来。

    Walls are covered in quick-drying , water-based gloss and clad with standard softwood skirting .

  6. 对快干绝缘漆主要性能的试验分析与生产应用表明,快干绝缘漆用于电机浸漆可缩短干燥时间一半左右。

    An analysis of tests and production practice on main properties of the fast dry insulating paint showed that appling the paint to motor dip painting could shorten about half drying time .

  7. 快干型聚酯漆稀释剂

    Thinner for quick dry polyester coating

  8. 介绍了低温快干氨基塑料漆的制备、施工和性能的测试。

    The preparation process , application and performance test of low-temperature cured quick dry melamine-based plastic paint are described .

  9. 该系统采用快干环氧富锌漆为底漆,厚涂型环氧涂料为中间漆,双组分聚氨酯涂料为面漆。

    The coating painting procedure is that the quick-dying epoxy rich zinc is taken as primer , thickening epoxy coating as an intermediate coating ( painting twice time ) and the bi-component polyurethane coating material as face coating .

  10. 介绍了该醇酸树脂的配方和生产工艺。列举了由该树脂配制快干醇酸清漆、快干工业磁漆和快干绝缘漆的性能指标,优于常用醇酸漆。

    The formulation and production technology of this alkyd resin were described , and the technical specifications of the fast dry lacquer , fact dry industry enamel and fast dry electric insulation varnish hased on this alkyd resin were given with superior performance to the conventional alkyd resin paint .