
  • 网络Fast Company
  1. 《快公司》获得的视频样片显示,该应用在关灯和播放音乐时又出现了几个小故障。

    An actual demo provided to Fast Company proved to have a few more glitches when turning off lights and playing music .

  2. 特策利担任执行主编的《快公司》一直在连载最新章节,就像一次挖一勺冰淇淋一样。

    Fast Company , where Tetzeli is executive editor , has been dishing out the newsiest chunks like ice cream , one scoop at a time .

  3. 百家增长最快公司排名:19(之前排名:3)

    100 fastest-growing rank : 19 ( previous rank : 3 )

  4. Heldergroen的创意总监桑德·费内达尔对《快公司》杂志表示,这有助于公司塑造品牌和文化、改善员工的生活。

    Heldergroen creative director Sander Veenendaal told Fast Company it 's helping the firm build its brand , establish its culture and improve workers ' lives .

  5. 在《快公司》的摘录中,库克讲述了2009年得知乔布斯需要肝移植后发生的故事。

    In the Fast Company excerpt , Mr. Cook told a story of what happened after he learned that Mr. Jobs needed a liver transplant in 2009 .

  6. 驿马快公司的马匹都是体形小的野马,它们身高不过五英尺,奔跑时时速可达12英里。

    The Pony Express ponies were mustangs . These were small , wild horses . The horses were less than five feet tall . They galloped almost twelve miles an hour .

  7. 在本刊刚刚公布的100家成长最快的公司名录里,RIM位居榜首。

    RIM is No. 1 on Fortune 's just-released list of 100 Fastest-Growing Companies .

  8. 旅行技术咨询公司总裁诺姆·罗斯(NormRose)说,技术发展快于公司政策改变这种局势让商旅者成为大赢家。

    Norm Rose , the president of Travel Tech Consulting , said travelers were the big winners as technology moved faster than corporate policies .

  9. 上市公司的利润增幅一般较gdp增幅落后1个或2个百分点,因为增长最快的公司往往都是私有企业在新兴市场,这一因素尤为明显。

    And profit growth in listed companies generally lags behind GDP by 1 or 2 percentage points as the fastest growing companies tend to be privately-owned a factor particularly evident in emerging markets .

  10. 作为韩国优秀企业的代表&三星公司(SAMSUNG,以下简称三星)更以惊人的速度连续两年成为全球品牌价值上升最快的公司,其发展速度令世界瞩目。

    As the representative of outstanding enterprises in Korea & Samsung ( SAMSUNG ), whose brand value has ascended with surprising speed for two years in succession , attracts the world attention by its rapid development .

  11. 但乌鲁卡亚确实成功实现了科技行业增长最快的公司所创造的奇迹,而且有一点连Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格和谷歌创始人谢尔盖•布林与拉里•佩奇都要自叹弗如:乌鲁卡亚拥有这家公司100%的所有权。

    But Ulukaya has landed in the league of tech 's fastest-growing companies -- and can claim something that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google 's Sergey Brin and Larry Page cannot : He owns 100 % of his startup .

  12. 很快,公司积聚了大量的房地产。

    Quickly , the company accumulated a lot of estates .

  13. 很快,公司开始铺设从一个地方到另一个地方那个的电报线路。

    Quickly , companies began to build telegraph lines from one place to another .

  14. 董事会出现了分歧,媒体报道令人不快,公司员工士气低落。

    The board was divided , press coverage was unpleasant and morale was low .

  15. 由于她的出色表现,她很快进入公司的管理层。

    Her excellent performance soon took her to the top management of the firm .

  16. 信托公司还是中国金融部门规模增长最快的公司群组。

    It is also the fastest growing group of companies in China 's financial sector .

  17. 上半年的良好表现也使得华为成为全球智能手机市场上增长最快的公司之一。

    The first-half results make Huawei one of the fastest-growing players in the global smartphone market .

  18. 但是,我很快发现公司的团队模式并不能消除工作场所的冲突。

    However , I soon learned that the corporate model of cooperation does not eliminate workplace conflict .

  19. 但我相信,在你们这样规模虽小却发展很快的公司工作,我会有更好的机会。

    But I believe I would have better opportunities with a small but rapidly expanding company like yours .

  20. 不出所料,消息很快在公司里传播开来。令人惊讶的是,员工们都积极看待这一计划。

    As expected , news spread rapidly through the company and employees were surprisingly positive about the proposal .

  21. 他们每天评价办事员的工作。很快,公司积聚了大量的房地产。

    And they evaluated the clerks'work every day . Quickly , the company accumulated a lot of estates .

  22. 其曾被(福布斯及其他杂志)评为史上增长最快的公司。

    Groupon has been described ( in this magazine and elsewhere ) as the fastest growing company in history .

  23. 如果我们打算很快将公司卖掉,我们就不会做今天这些投资。

    If we were getting ready to sell the company quickly , we wouldn 't be making these investments today .

  24. 同时成长性因素对公司的资产结构也有很显著的影响,成长越快的公司其资产负债率越高。

    More discussion is focused on the influence of asset scale and stock concentrate intensity to the capital structure and its change .

  25. 贸易壁垒显著减少,很快美国公司向海外派出了代表,希望通过扩张海外产能降低企业成本。

    Trade barriers fell significantly and soon American companies were sending emissaries abroad , looking to do business cheaper by expanding their operations overseas .

  26. 今天,戴尔每天的互联网销售额约为1500万美元,是计算机工业中成长最快的公司。

    Today , dell 's Internet sales are roughly $ 15 million per day , and it is the fastest growing company in the computer industry .

  27. 然而,很快航空公司开始抱怨火山灰已经不再是一个问题,并且通过试航证明了其判断。

    Soon , though , airline companies began complaining that the ash was no longer a problem , and running test flights to prove their case .

  28. 只注意内部质量问题的公司不能认识到质量问题的真正原因。低的供应商质量可以很快破坏公司全部质量改进的努力。

    Only focus on internal quality can not find the root cause of quality problem . Company can not improve its whole quality without good quality parts from supplier .

  29. 我有较强的解决实际问题的能力。我相信,如有机会为贵公司效力,我将很快成为公司的得力干将。

    I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that , if given the opportunity , I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm .

  30. 中国拥有许多全球增长最快的公司,近年来吸引了大量私人股本投资,但受全球金融危机影响,这一领域的投资兴趣大减。

    China is home to many of the world 's fastest growing companies and has attracted substantial private equity investment in recent years , although interest plummeted in the aftermath of the global financial crisis .