
  1. 嵌入式小区智能终端的硬件设计及Linux操作系统移植实现

    Hardware Design of Embedded Intelligent Community Terminal Device and Transplanting Linux OS into Terminal Device

  2. 发射机控制器显示控制手柄的WINDOWSCE操作系统移植

    Proportional action controller transplantion of Windows CE operation system of transmitter controllor display control handle

  3. 文章简单的论述了如何将μC/OS-II操作系统移植到ARM处理器中。

    This paper discuss how to migrate μ C / OS - II operating system on the ARM processor .

  4. 对嵌入式平台中的相关硬件进行简单的分析,并且将嵌入式Linux操作系统移植到了目标平台上。

    Made some simple analyzing about the hardware referred to the embedded platform , and transplanted the embedded Linux operating system to target platform .

  5. 第三章主要讨论了软硬件系统的建立,包括硬件系统、开发环境建立、μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统移植、系统功能测试四个部分。

    Chapter Three : Mainly discusses how to set up hardware and software of the system , including hardware system , development environment , porting μ C / OS-II and system test .

  6. 基于RS-232协议构建嵌入式操作系统移植中的人机交互环境

    Build the man-machine interaction environment based on RS-232 protocol for the transplant of a embedded OS

  7. 解决了uClinux操作系统移植的难点,在ARM硬件平台上成功移植了uClinux操作系统。

    Solved the problem of porting the uClinux OS . We ported the uClinux OS to the ARM hardware platform .

  8. 在完成Linux操作系统移植的基础上,设计并实现SPI总线驱动开发和ARM与FPGA之间的通信等待程序模块。

    After completion of Linux operation system migration , SPI bus driver program is developed and communication program for modules between the ARM and the FPGA is implemented .

  9. 此外,LSB将帮助征集为Linux操作系统移植和编写产品的软件供应商。

    In addition , the LSB will help coordinate efforts to recruit software vendors to port and write products for Linux Operating System .

  10. 大部分核心开发在两年内完成了,但是开发人员又花了一年时间把客户机和服务器代码从Windows操作系统移植到OS/2。

    Most of the core development was completed within two years , but the developers spent an additional year porting the code for the client and the server from the Windows operating system to OS / 2 .

  11. 从进程调度、文件系统以及操作系统移植方面加以论证,选择uClinux作为系统采用的操作系统。

    Considering the process scheduling , the file system and operate systems transplant , uClinux is selected as the operate system inside the IPC .

  12. 设计过程中进行了μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统移植测试、界面显示测试、通信测试以及UHF标签识别测试。

    The μ C / OS - ⅱ operating system transplantation test , the interface displays the test , communications test and UHF tag identification test have been conducted in the design process .

  13. 在Linux操作系统移植部分,简要阐述了交叉环境的搭建、U-boot移植、内核编译以及文件系统建立,着重介绍了驱动程序的开发。

    In the Linux operating system migration section , the cross-compiling environment , U-boot transplantation , the kernel compiling and file system building are briefly described , and the driver development is detailedly presented behind .

  14. 目前,该装置的硬件系统设计和调试工作已经完成,μCLinux操作系统移植工作已经完成,并可使用FTP传输协议下载程序或文件。

    At present , the hardware system design and the debugging work have already completed ,μ CLinux transplant work has already completed , and we can use FTP transport protocols to download procedure or document .

  15. 本研究成功地将Linux2.4.18操作系统移植到ARM嵌入式硬件平台上,使该ARM嵌入式系统可以支持基于Linux操作系统的USB核心驱动程序、主机控制器驱动程序以及设备驱动程序。

    Furthermore , the research successfully porting the Linux 2.4.18 to hardware platform based on ARM Embedded System . As a result , the hardware platform based on ARM Embedded System can supports the Linux USB System ( including USB Core Driver , Host Controller Driver and Device Driver ) .

  16. 论文通过对uClinux的分析,以及对嵌入式操作系统移植过程的探讨,展示了嵌入式系统开发的核心技术,对嵌入系统的开发应用具有一定的实际意义。

    This paper brings forth the core techniques in developing embedded system through the analysis of uClinux and the probing into the porting process of embedded OS , which will have certain practical signification for the development of embedded system application .

  17. 在构建的开放式数控系统中,把μC/OSⅡ实时操作系统移植到MCS51上,在其内核上创建自己的任务,开发出实时运动控制系统。

    In the system , the RTOS μ C / OS - ⅱ was transplanted on the MCS-51 system , then we developed our tasks on the core of μ C / OS - ⅱ to design the system .

  18. 接着,实现了嵌入式车载监控终端的操作系统移植以及硬件驱动的设计。

    After that , the replant of operating system and the design of the hardware drive was realized .

  19. 解决嵌入式操作系统移植问题的一个方案&通用硬件抽象层的设计与实现

    A Solution for the Transplant of Embedded OS & The Design and Implement of General Hardware Abstraction Layer

  20. 而在嵌入式的开发过程中,针对目标平台的操作系统移植成为影响嵌入式产品开发进度的一个关键因素。

    System porting to the target platform is the main factor which affects the process of embedded-systems development .

  21. 讨论了将操作系统移植到新的主机板上时,该如何使用调试工具的问题。

    This paper deals with the issues of how to use debug tools on the transplantation OS to new platform ?

  22. 论文在完成实时操作系统移植、定制和测试的基础上,开发了本系统的大部分功能软件,为数控系统的后续开发和软硬件联调奠定了坚实基础。

    Based on the transplant , customization and testing of real-time OS , most of the system software has been developed .

  23. 于是,聪明的厂商就将掌上电脑的操作系统移植到手机中,智能手机由此诞生了。

    Thus , the smart manufacturers put the Pocket PC operating system ported to mobile phones , so the smart phone was born .

  24. 最后,文章给出了捷联系统的软件总体框架,分别论述了硬件驱动程序、操作系统移植以及任务的设计,并给出了实验结果。

    Finally , the paper gave the overall framework of the software , hardware driver program , OS transplantation and the design task .

  25. 建立可移植代码是操作系统移植的首要步骤和重要途径,本文又论述了建立可移植代码的一般方法和过程。

    Creating the portable code is the first step and important path to port a operating system , so the thesis discussed a general method and process of the creating portable code .

  26. 在完成系列硬件选型和硬件电路设计后,将uC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统移植到硬件平台,并完成各功能模块应用程序的设计。

    After design of hardware circuit being finished , uC / OS - ⅱ operating system will be transplanted to hardware platform . Then the application program will be designed for every module .

  27. 然后,进行了相应的操作系统移植和应用软件的设计。最后,对该项目进行了认真细致的测试,确保能提供一个无误、高效、可演进的系统。

    Then plant the embedded operation system ucLinux and program user controller . Finally , rigorous testing of the system has been carried out to make sure that the system is correct and evolvable .

  28. 对于该系统的关键技术之一的操作系统移植等问题本文作了系统、细致的论述,并给出了相关的移植程序。

    Make the detail , meticulous treatise to the porting of embedded operate system which is one of the key techniques of that system , and point out some key problem that software design should notice .

  29. 最后把uC/OS-Ⅱ这个微内核的嵌入式操作系统移植到该硬件平台上,重点工作是分析研究该系统原理,移植细节,以及如何在这个嵌入式系统上做开发应用工作。

    At last , we ported the uC / OS ⅱ kernel to the hardware platform and studied the user programming on the embedded system , including system principle and porting details . In this paper , the source code of uC / OS - ⅱ was analysed first .

  30. 基于ARM的嵌入式操作系统的移植

    The Transplant of Embedded Operating System Based on ARM