
pán hòu jiāo yì
  • After-hour trading;late trading;After-hours Dealing;Post - transaction
  1. 周二晚间,苹果股票在盘后交易时段下跌了约0.5%。

    Shares of Apple were down about half a percentage point in after-hour trading Tuesday evening .

  2. 继经历了震荡剧烈的正常交易时段之后,银行类股票在盘后交易中走软。

    Bank stocks were soft in late trading after a choppy day .

  3. 在盘后交易当中,股价估计又上涨了30点或更多。

    In after-hours trading , shares surged by another estimated 30 points or more .

  4. 因此在盘后交易中,Facebook的股票上涨了13%。

    Shares were up 13 % in after hours trading .

  5. Facebook的股价在盘后交易中大涨,涨幅逾6%。

    Shares of Facebook surged more than 6 percent in after-hours trading .

  6. 这一消息让Facebook的股价在盘后交易时段下跌了近3%。

    The news sent Facebook shares down about 3 % in after-hours trading .

  7. CEO即将离职的消息一出,麦当劳股价在周四盘后交易中上涨了3%以上。

    The company 's stock was up more than 3 % in after-hours trading yesterday .

  8. Facebook的股价当天收于94.45美元,并在盘后交易中大幅飙升。

    Facebook 's shares , which closed at $ 94.45 in regular trading , jumped in after-hours trading .

  9. eBay股价在盘后交易中上涨超过7%。

    EBay shares are up more than 7 % in aftermarket trading .

  10. 消息宣布之后,Twitter在盘后交易中的股价立即上涨了逾7%。

    Twitter shares were up more than 7 percent in after-hours trading immediately afterthe news was announced .

  11. 盘后交易中,已经接近多年低位的RIM股价下跌1.32美元至7.81美元。

    RIM shares , which had been trading near multiyear lows , dropped $ 1.32 to $ 7.81 in after-hours trading .

  12. 这也许能解释为何Groupon股票在盘后交易中应声大跌15%。

    That likely explains why the stock is down around 15 % in aftermarket trading .

  13. 在Facebook宣布收购WhatsApp后,黑莓股价在盘后交易时段一度跃升8%。

    After the Facebook-WhatsApp deal was announced , shares of BlackBerry jumped as much as 8 % in after hours trading .

  14. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)将目标价从27美元降至12美元(该股周三盘后交易价格在14.50美元附近。)

    Deutsche Bank lowered its earnings target from $ 27 a share to $ 12 a share ( the stock was trading around $ 14.50 in the after hours markets ) .

  15. 在《华尔街日报》(WSJ)首次报道了围绕最新交易的磋商之后,卡夫股价在盘后交易中跃升近20%。

    Kraft shares jumped nearly 20 per cent in after-hours trading after the Wall Street Journal first reported the deal talks .

  16. 如果该美国存托凭证(ADR)股票在周二早上恢复交易时保持周一盘后交易上涨后的价位,那么百度股价将突破至新高,从而完成其历时三个月的盘整期。

    If shares retain their bump when trading in the ADRs resumes by Tuesday morning , Baidu will have completed a three-month consolidation as it breaks out to new highs .

  17. 亚马逊(Amazon)在周二收盘后公布了第二季度业绩,营收及利润均超出外界预期。尽管其净利润下滑,但受整体业绩提振,该股在盘后交易大幅上扬。

    Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday , sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income .

  18. 雅虎的声明令该公司股价在盘后交易时段下跌3.5%,至每股16.17美元。声明包含在一份提交给监管机构的备案文件中,文件上有首席财务长莫尔斯(TimMorse)的签名。

    Yahoo 's statement , contained in a regulatory filing signed by Chief Financial Officer Tim Morse , sent the Sunnyvale , Calif. , company 's shares down 3.5 % in after-hours trading to $ 16.17 .

  19. 另一方面,中国互联网平台新浪(Sina,微博就是从该公司剥离出来的)第三季度的利润超出市场预期,不过净营收略低于市场预期,导致其股价在盘后交易中下跌2%。

    Meanwhile , Chinese internet platform Sina , from which Weibo was spun off , topped third-quarter earnings estimates but reported sales just shy of expectations , prompting shares to slip 2 per cent in after hours trading .

  20. 美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)周一同意支付创纪录的9.75亿美元罚款,以了结中国政府提出的有关该公司违反中国反垄断法的指控,从而结束了长达两年的专利争端,并帮助高通股价在盘后交易中上涨3%。

    Qualcomm on Monday agreed to pay a record $ 975m fine to settle allegations by Chinese authorities that it violated the country 's anti-monopoly law , ending a two-year patents fight and helping send its shares up 3 per cent in after-market trading .

  21. 该公司股价在盘后交易中跃升了15%。

    The stock leapt as much as 15 per cent in after-hours trading .

  22. 苹果股价在盘后交易中上涨逾5%。

    Stock in Apple rose more than 5 per cent in after-market trading .

  23. 在昨日盘后交易中,该公司股价上涨近5%,至每股101.25美元。

    They added almost 5 per cent to $ 101.25 in after-hours trading .

  24. 随后,这家公司的股价在盘后交易中跃升了7%。

    Company stock surged 7 % in after-hours trading .

  25. 随后,苹果股价在盘后交易中反弹。

    The stock rallied in after-hours trading .

  26. 财报发布后,亚马逊股价在盘后交易中下跌了近8%。

    Amazon shares were down nearly 8 % in after hours trading following the announcement .

  27. 消息传来,在盘后交易中,特斯拉股票下跌7%,跌至每股189.95美元。

    Tesla 's shares were down 7 per cent in after-hours trading at $ 189.95 .

  28. 在周一晚间的盘后交易中,苹果股价上扬了大约1.5%,涨至101.25美元。

    Apple shares were up about 1.5 percent to $ 101.25 in after-hours trading Monday evening .

  29. 周二收盘时,苹果股票上涨了0.8%,但在盘后交易中有小幅下跌。

    The company 's stock closed Tuesday up 0.8 % , but dropped slightly in after-hours trading .

  30. 这一消息传出之后,该公司股票在纽约股市盘后交易中上涨逾11%。

    The news sent shares up more than 11 per cent in after-hours trading in New York .