
  • 网络Pentium Processor
  1. 为了提高全球定位系统接收机定位精度的可靠性,研究了一种基于Xilinx公司的FPGA和Intel公司奔腾处理器的民用接收机。

    To improve the reliability of GPS receiver position precision , a new civil receiver was studied , which is based on FPGA produced by Xilinx company and Intel Pentium processor .

  2. 不管是非洲裔美国人GeorgeCrum发明的炸薯条还是印度裔美国人VinodDham所发明的奔腾处理器,这两样东西在两个国家都得到了广泛的使用,一个是用来满足胃口的,一个是用来运行应用程序的。

    Be it the Potato chips by Africa-American George Crumor Pentium chips by Indian-American Vinod Dham , these nation use a lot of both , for running apps to running appetites . 15 .

  3. 超高速处理器,如300兆赫的奔腾处理器或新的64位(比特)处理器,我们已经在为它们开发WindowsNT揉作系统;

    in fact if anything it 's speeding up.Very high speed processors like 300MHz Pentiums , or new 64 bit processors that we 're already developing Windows NT for ;

  4. 十台拥有奔腾处理器的计算机是用来作为算图的机械组,这是一系列的网络计算机,一起工作,分别负责制作三维物体的皮肤或表层,这些最终都会放到电影中去。

    Ten PCs with Pentium Pro processors were used as a render farm , which is a series of networked computers that work together to distribute the CPU-intensive task of painting the skin or surface of a3d object , which will eventually be transferred to film .

  5. 本文介绍了一种在奔腾4处理器微机上Linux操作系统下的优化编译方法。

    A compiler optimization method under Linux operation system on Pentium 4 processor computer is introduced in this paper .

  6. AMD并不是唯一牵涉到伊朗获得半导体芯片问题的公司。在2001年,Amirkabir大学的科学家建立了32个节点的基于英特尔奔腾III处理器的PC群集。

    In2001 boffins at Amirkabir University built a32-node PC cluster based on Pentium III processors from Intel .

  7. 一年后,他们也在另一组群集采用了一些奔腾4处理器。

    A year later they got their paws on some Pentium IV chips in another cluster .

  8. 奔腾系列处理器是目前一代的处理器的个人电脑,从英特尔。

    The Pentium family of processors is the current generation of CPU 's for personal computers from Intel .

  9. 如果你是个初学者,我推荐你用奔腾系列处理器。

    If you are a beginner then I would recommend you use a Pentium based processor for your firewall box .

  10. 英特尔刻意限制表现自己的赛扬处理器,以防止他们竞争,其高端的奔腾和至强处理器。

    Intel purposefully limits the performance of their Celeron processors to prevent them from competing with their higher-end Pentium and Xeon processors .