
  • 网络run to you;Running;Straight to You
  1. 我只知道奔向你,母亲,消除所有的苦难。

    I simply know that to run to you , Mother , destroys all distress .

  2. 这就是你,总是奔向你的白马王子

    Always running to a white knight .

  3. 无所顾忌、无所畏惧地奔向你的身旁。

    Stops at nothing fearlessly rushes towards you .

  4. 我知道那一天即将到来。是的,我正在奔向你。

    I know that day is coming soon-ya , I 'm coming back to you .

  5. 我不能奔向你。

    I cannot go to you .

  6. 我也要奔向你

    I also must rush towards you

  7. 我的河流奔向你。

    My river runs to thee .

  8. 雪花依然在空中曼舞,纷纷扬扬,她们飘自天国,带着吉祥的信函,奔向你我的新年。

    The snowflakes are from the heaven , dancing in the sky bringing us a happy new year .

  9. 当我死去时,让我的思绪奔向你,如落日晚霞在繁星的静默的边缘。

    Let my thoughts come to you , when I am gone , like the afterglow of sunset at the .

  10. 从不放弃,一直寻找一条路线奔向你想去的地方。

    What a neat philosophy , to never quit looking for a way to get where you 're supposed to go .

  11. 但是,她承认奔向你最害怕的事情,最终你才能取得最大的胜利。

    She acknowledged , though , that running towards the thing that scares you the most , you can end up with a big triumph .

  12. 通常情况下,它们会跟在你后面走路,但是如果你走得太远,它们从远方遥望并奔向你。

    Normally , they walk behind you on the ground , but if you get far enough away , they will teleport to get closer to you .