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bēn mìng
  • rush about on errands;be kept on the run;be on the go;do one's damnedest;be in a desperate hurry


bèn mìng
  • be in a desperate hurry
奔命 [bèn mìng]
  • (1) [be kept on the run;be on the go;rush about on errands]∶应命奔赴

  • 疲于奔命

  • (2) [do one's damnedest]∶拼死拼活地忙碌

  • [be in a desperate hurry] [口]∶不顾一切地拼命进行

奔命[bēn mìng]
奔命[bèn mìng]
  1. 如果你不为自己设定目标,那么你注定要为达到别人的目标而奔命。

    If you don 't set your own goals , you 'll be destined to end up striving for others ' .

  2. 烟花散尽的时候,我们在人群中走散,漆黑的路途中我们各自探路、各自奔命。

    Fireworks cleared , we are separated in the crowd , the dark road of our own to explore the way , each kept on the run .