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hóng mén yàn
  • Hongmen banquet;a dinner at Hongmen where treachery was planned;a dinner party intended to kill the guests
鸿门宴 [hóng mén yàn]
  • (1) [Hongmen banquet]∶鸿门在今陕西临潼东北。公元前206年项羽率大军入关进驻鸿门,准备灭刘邦,经项羽叔父项伯的调解,刘邦亲赴鸿门去拜见项羽,项羽设宴相待。宴会上,项羽谋士范增命项庄舞剑,伺机刺杀刘邦,项伯见势不妙,也拔剑起舞,以掩护刘邦。后刘邦乘机入厕,逃回本营。后以之比喻不怀好意的宴请

  • (2) [a dinner party intended to kill the guests]∶指加害客人的宴会

鸿门宴[hóng mén yàn]
  1. 感恩节是初到北美洲的朝圣者们兴起的,为了庆祝朝圣者们和美洲原住民欢聚一堂的鸿门宴。

    Thanksgiving is a sham celebration of Pilgrims and Native Americans coming together .

  2. 还是说客,这么多的人来排着队来与我作对,我可是四面楚歌,鸿门宴是吗?

    Or lobbyists , so many people to be supplied to me and couplets , but I am besieged , Hongmenyan is it ?

  3. 介绍了高中语文专题学习网站《鸿门宴》的设计与应用策略。

    This article introduces the design and using strategy of the website of special subject " Banquet at Hongmen " of Senior Chinese .

  4. 我邀请了每一位邻居,开一个盛大的鸿门宴,然后杀了他们并霸占他们的土地。

    I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house , we had an enormous feast , and then I killed them and took their land .

  5. “鸿门宴”之所以扣人心弦,惊心动魄,就在于其尖锐复杂的戏剧化般的矛盾冲突,以及在这种高度集中的矛盾中所凸现出的人物脸谱化的性格。

    Dinner at Hongmen is exciting and soul-stirring because of its theatrical and complex contradiction conflict and because of striking common figure character in the highly-concentrated contradiction .