
  1. 环境设计&厦门鸿山嘉兴寨规划设计

    Environmental Design & Planning of Jiaxing Mountain Stronghold in Xiamen Hongshan

  2. 鸿山大厦连接体工程抗浮锚杆的施工

    Construction of Anti-Floating Anchor Bar in the Connection Structure of Hongshan Buildings

  3. 场所的回归&鸿山遗址公园博物馆景区景观设计

    Back to Site & Landscape Design of the Museum Zone of Hong Mount Cultural Site Park

  4. 无锡鸿山越国贵族墓发掘简报

    Brief Excavation Report on Aristocratic Tombs of the Yue State , Hongshan Town of Wuxi City

  5. 此次摄制组走进鸿山遗址博物馆,深入探访了鸿山遗址鲜为人知的历史。

    This time , the crew went to Hongshan site museum to deeply explore the unknown history .

  6. 本文依据无锡鸿山越国贵族墓出土的“玉飞凤”,简述凤作为中华民族的图腾之一,由远古发展到春秋战国时代的基本历程。

    The paper discusses the course of phenix worshipping from prehistory to Warring State Period through Jade Phenix found at Hongshan site , Wuxi City .

  7. 近日,《都市密码》国际联合摄制组走进鸿山遗址博物馆,探寻历史遗迹,感受吴越文化。

    Recently , the international joint crew of the program " City Code " went to Hongshan site museum to explore the historical relics and feel the culture of Wu and Yue .