首页 / 词典 / good


  • swan goose;letter
  • great;grand
鸿 [hóng]
  • 大雁:~雁。~毛。雪泥~爪(喻往事遗留的痕迹)。

  • 大:~博。~图。~沟。~儒。~福。~运。~烈。

  • 指书信:来~。

  • 姓。


(鸿雁) swan goose:

  • 轻于鸿毛

    lighter than a goose feather


[书] (书信) letter:

  • 远方来鸿

    a letter from afar


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 鸿文

    Hong Wen


(大) great; grand:

  • 鸿儒

    great scholar;

  • 鸿图

    great plans; grand prospects

  1. 马克思·克莱因(MaxKlein)是《中国来鸿》栏目组的前任调查员,现任首席篮球记者。他说,林书豪突然地成功仍在中国球迷中被热烈探讨着。

    Max Klein , a former researcher for the Letter from China , and now chief basketball correspondent , says local fans are still trying to make sense of Lin 's abrupt success .

  2. 近日他收到家中来鸿,让他回家过年。

    Several days before , he had received a letter from his family who asked him to return for the Spring Festival .

  3. 盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。

    Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy .

  4. 鸿渐哈哈大笑道:“我是该骂

    Hung-chien guffawed and said , " I deserve a scolding for that !

  5. 鸿渐摆空城计道:“你心里明白,不用我说。”

    Hung-chien bluffed , " You know perfectly well yourself without my telling you . "

  6. 谁知道鸿渐只关切地问柔嘉:“酒渍洗得掉么

    To their surprise Hung-chien merely asked Jou-chia solicitously , " Can the wine stains be washed out ?

  7. 他看了鸿渐一眼,关切的说:“鸿渐兄,你瘦得多了。

    Eyeing Hung-chien he said solicitously , " Hung-chien , you 've lost a lot of weight . "

  8. 一只斑鸿恰巧也在那里休息,听见猫头鹰呼味呼味地喘气,就对猫头鹰说:“你这样急急忙忙地赶路,去哪儿呀?”

    It happened that a turtledove was also resting there . Hearing the panting of the owl , it asked : " Where are you going in such a hurry ? "

  9. 斑鸿说:“难道换个地方就可以解决问题吗?我看,不管你搬到哪里去,都没有用!”

    The turtledove said : " Can you solve your problem by changing a place ? In my opinion , no matter where you move to , it won 't help . "

  10. 原文鸿渐知道这些话虽然对自己说,而主要是记载在日记和回忆录里给天下后世看方遯翁怎样教子以义方的。

    Hung-chien knew that while these remarks were said to him , they were intended primarily to be recorded in a diary or in memoirs Tun-weng had brought up his son in accordance with truth and righteousness .

  11. 鸿渐问他,为什么不用外国现成姓Lee。

    Hung-chien asked why Li hadn 't used the already existing foreign name of Lee .

  12. 去年,北京的昆仑鸿星冰球俱乐部开始了在俄罗斯大陆冰球联赛(KontinentalHockeyLeague)的第一个赛季,该俱乐部将拥有一支CWHL女子球队。

    Beijing 's Kunlun Red Star hockey club , which began its first season in the Russian-based Kontinental Hockey League last year , will have a women 's team in the C.W.H.L.

  13. 在鸿洲国际游艇会(VisunRoyalYachtClub)&一个建有船坞的大型地产项目,营销经理承认,许多泊位还在闲置着。

    At the Visun Royal Yacht Club , a vast property development with a marina attached , the marketing manager admits many of the berths are vacant .

  14. 我们提醒投资者注意,苹果最近与胜华科技(Wintek)和宸鸿科技(TPK)等供应商达成协议,确保控制了全球近60%的触摸屏产能。

    We remind investors that Apple recently secured close to 60 % of the global touch panel capacity through panel makers such as Wintek and TPK .

  15. 如Namyit(鸿庥岛)、SinCowe(景宏岛)、Subi(渚碧礁)来源于海南方言发音“南乙”、“秤钩”、“丑未”。

    For instance , Namyit ( Hongxiu Dao ) , Sin Cowe ( Jinghong Dao ) and Subi ( Zhubi Jiao ) originate from " Nanyi , " " Chenggou " and " Chouwei " as pronounced in Hainan dialects .

  16. 鸿渐见了她面,不大自然,手不停弄着书桌上他自德国带回的supernorma牌四色铅笔。

    Hung-chien felt rather nervous when he saw her , and his hands were continuously toying with the four-colored supernorma pencil on his desk which he had brought back from germany .

  17. 根据鸿化公司的天然气资源、资金以及技术水平等条件,从中选择了换热式并联转化工艺技术方案对鸿化合成氨新转化装置进行90kt/a扩能改造。

    According as the natural gas resources , fund , and technique level etc of Honghua group , we decide to choose the process of the parallel auto-thermal reforming process to rebuild the system , and rises it 's production capacity up to 90kt / a.

  18. 深圳鸿景园园林设计心得浅谈

    A Discussion on the Garden Design of Hongjing Garden in Shenzhen

  19. 此外有两件事也使鸿渐不安。

    Besides this there were two other things which disturbed hung-chien .

  20. 鸿渐“嘘”了他一声,他笑着跑了。

    Hung-chien hissed at him , and he ran off laughing .

  21. 鸿渐,你来得不巧。

    Hung-chien , you 've chosen a bad time to come .

  22. 环境设计&厦门鸿山嘉兴寨规划设计

    Environmental Design & Planning of Jiaxing Mountain Stronghold in Xiamen Hongshan

  23. 鸿渐说还没决定答应。

    Hung-chien said that he hadn 't made up his mind .

  24. 下了这个英雄的决心,鸿渐才睡著。

    Having nude this heroic resolution , he went to sleep .

  25. 那条狗见了鸿渐就咬;

    The dog would bark at Hung-chien whenever it saw him .

  26. 说时,对鸿渐和辛楣顽皮地眨眼。

    With that he gave Hung-chien and Hsin-mei a mischievous wink .

  27. 鸿渐正说:“谁告诉你的!”

    Just as Hung-chien was saying ," who told you that ?"

  28. 李先生去后,辛楣和鸿渐睡熟了。

    After Li had left , Hsin-mei and Hung-chien fell asleep .

  29. 鸿渐有气无力地恳请苏小姐别送自己。

    Hung-chien limply implored Miss Su not to see him home .

  30. 结果证明鸿化甲烷氯化物装置选用的反应器是合适的。

    The result for the reactor calculation is proved right .