
hóng hú
  • swan;a large swan
鸿鹄 [hóng hú]
  • [swan] 即天鹅。因飞得很高,所以常用来比喻志向远大的人

  • 鸿鹄之志 。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 慕鸿鹄以高翔。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

鸿鹄[hóng hú]
  1. 称赞母亲的同时,奥巴马把自己的“鸿鹄大志”归功与父亲&让人喜爱却总是缺席的角色,父亲给予他追求理想的方法。

    Obama himself attributed his " fierce ambitions " to his dad while crediting his mother-a loving but frequently absent figure-with giving him the means to pursue them .

  2. 标志色彩鸿鹄兰渐变表现,沉着、重、技,与鸿鹄企业现代化、际化的企业形象与定位相吻合。

    Symbolized the color HONGHU blue changes gradually the performance , calm , is steady , the science and technology , with the swan enterprise modernization , the internationalization enterprise image with decides the phase to tally .

  3. 据国内最大在线旅行社携程旗下豪华旅游品牌鸿鹄逸游称,2014年以来,平均个人财富1000万元以上、对极地旅游感兴趣的消费者的数量有所增长。

    According to HHTravel , a luxury travel brand under China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip , the number of consumers interested in polar trips with an average personal wealth of at least 10 million yuan has grown since 2014 .