
hóng gōu
  • gulf;chasm;wide gap
鸿沟 [hóng gōu]
  • [wide gap] 古代运河,在今河南省,楚汉相争时是两军对峙的临时分界,比喻界线分明

  • 不可逾越的鸿沟

鸿沟[hóng gōu]
  1. “休谟的铡刀”在事实领域和价值领域划上了一道鸿沟。

    ' Hume 's fodder chopper'draws a wide gap between the fact field and the value field .

  2. 即便在那些科学能力不断增长的国家,科学与创新之间也有很大的鸿沟。

    And even in the countries with growing science capacity , there is a wide gap between science and innovation .

  3. 贫富之间有一条鸿沟。

    There 's a yawning gap between rich and poor .

  4. 双方都坚持自己的立场,南北之间出现了一条鸿沟。

    A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in .

  5. 不仅仅是生活水平上存在巨大差异,心理上也有鸿沟。

    It 's not just that a gulf exists in living standards — there 's a psychological ravine .

  6. 在上古神话中,神与人之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。

    In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings .

  7. 两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。

    The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged .

  8. 在性别方面,男女之间存在着数字鸿沟。

    With regard to sex , digital divide exists between men and women .

  9. 根据最近的研究,数字鸿沟是由三个主要因素造成的:阶级、性别和世代。

    According to recent studies , digital divide has been caused by three major elements : class , sex , and generation .

  10. 就阶级而言,不同类型的工人之间、中上层和下层之间存在着数字鸿沟。

    In terms of class , digital divide exists among different types of workers and between the upper and middle classes and the lower class .

  11. 如何才能弥合我们与其他动物之间不断扩大的鸿沟?

    How can we bridge the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals ?

  12. 更令人忧心的是,发达国家的人民迷恋互联网,使国际社会开始担心贫富国家之间的“数字鸿沟”。

    Even more worryingly , the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the " digital divide " between the rich countries and the poor countries .

  13. 实际上,现代生活方式确实加大了男女寿命差别的鸿沟。

    In fact , modern lifestyles are actually exacerbating the gap between male and female life expectancies .

  14. 议员们指出,中性词汇“在口语和书面语之间划下了一道鸿沟。”

    The MPs claim that the gender neutral words ' create a gap between the spoken language and written language . '

  15. 我想要一种语言,没有像如今的Java这么大的语义鸿沟。

    I want a language that has no larger a semantic gap than Java has today .

  16. 然而由于web应用与传统桌面应用之间存在着连接鸿沟,人们必须在这两者之间进行数据重复的迁移。

    But because it has the connective wide gaps between web-applying and traditional tabletop , people must do repeated migration of datum between them .

  17. 由于GIS产品在服务接口上的各异性和局限性,它很难满足Internet上空间信息互操作的需求,这样Internet用户与空间信息资源之间就出现了两大鸿沟:信息获取鸿沟和信息理解鸿沟。

    Because the service interfaces of different GIS products are distinct and restrictive , it is impossible to satisfy the requirements of spatial information interoperation on Internet .

  18. AML为建造AUV心智模型提供了有力的表示和处理工具,弥补了Agent理论在机器人应用上的一道鸿沟。

    AML can be a powerful approach to construct AUV mental model , which will bridge the gap between the agent theories and their applications in robotics .

  19. ICT在非洲农村以及巴西和中国等新型经济体的迅速增长正在弥合南北之间的ICT的鸿沟。

    Rapid growth of ICTs in rural Africa and emerging economies such as Brazil and China is closing the gap in ICTs between North and South .

  20. 阐述了我国加入WTO以及网络时代数字鸿沟问题向信息服务提出的新的挑战,提出了缩小数字鸿沟、强化信息服务的对策建议。

    This paper expounds the new challenges from WTO entry of China and digital gap problem in networking era to the information services , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions about narrowing the digital gap and strengthening the information services .

  21. 当中存在的低层特征和高层语义之间的语义鸿沟问题,使得CBVR还难以适用于普通用户。

    The semantic gap between low feature and high semantic feature makes CBVR not applicable for general users .

  22. SAWSDL试图通过从WSDL和XSD元素中引用语义模型的方法来填补Web服务和语义网的鸿沟,这些语义模型在WSDL外部定义。

    SAWSDL intends to close the gap between Web Services and the Semantic Web by introducing means of referencing semantic models , defined outside the WSDL , from WSDL and XSD elements .

  23. 一个明证是,Facebook本月刚刚宣布该公司将推动移动应用的普及(这些应用的可接入性就更不用提了),并最终弥合网络和应用之间的鸿沟。

    If you need more proof , just this month Facebook announced that it will be facilitating the spread of mobile applications , not to mention linking into them & finally bridging the gap between web and app .

  24. 提出了运用AOP和角色Usecase法的求精(refine)、实现(realization)和反演(reflection)的3R机制与UML相结合,跨越系统分析和设计之间的鸿沟。

    It is also proposed that the combination of role use case and UML with the 3R ( refinement , realization , and reflection ) mechanism and AOP should be used to build a bridge on the gap between analysis and design .

  25. 即使G2模型有其可能性,中国和美国之间仍然存在巨大的鸿沟,这意味着两国所能分担的责任是不均等的。

    Even if a G-2 model were possible , there remains such a huge gap between China and the US that it would require an uneven sharing of responsibilities by the two countries .

  26. 针对目前图像检索中存在的语义鸿沟问题,提出综合商空间粒度和网格理论的基于ROI的图像检索技术,并融合颜色、纹理和形状等底层特征,结合基于方差分析的相关反馈技术进行检索。

    Aiming at the " Semantic Gap ", image retrieval based on ROI that combines grid and quotient space granularity theory is proposed . It integrates color , texture and shape features and implies relevant feedback to retrieve image .

  27. 来自8国集团(G-8)冲绳会议提出的新概念,所谓数字鸿沟,一年来引动一场全球大讨论。

    A new concept as so-called " digital divide " advanced from Okinawa Meeting by G-8 , some hot discussion around the world has been aroused this year .

  28. 本论文依托于国家高技术研究发展计划863项目重大专项课题‘缩小数字鸿沟西部行动’第一批课题(课题编号:2003AA1Z2530)基于国产Linux的公共信息平台关键技术与应用研究的研究内容。

    This dissertation is based on the " Narrowing the Digit-divide West Program Key Technique and Applied Research of the Public Information Platform based on the Domestic Linux " as the first batch of national 863 important special project ( serial number : 2003AA1Z2530 ) .

  29. 正如困境可能有地理、人口、和/或社会经济方面获得信息基础设施所产生的机会不平等,数字鸿沟也涉及经济上的不平等,如就业、信息和/或安全(Yuguchi,2008)。

    As the dilemma may have geographic , demographic , and / or socio economic dimensions , arising from unequal access to information infrastructures , digital divide also concerns economic inequality , such as in employment , information and / or security ( Yuguchi , 2008 ) .

  30. 数字鸿沟对发展中国家的影响及对策分析

    The Influence of Digital Divide on Developing Countries and Relevant Countermeasures