- gulf;chasm;wide gap

[wide gap] 古代运河,在今河南省,楚汉相争时是两军对峙的临时分界,比喻界线分明
' Hume 's fodder chopper'draws a wide gap between the fact field and the value field .
And even in the countries with growing science capacity , there is a wide gap between science and innovation .
There 's a yawning gap between rich and poor .
A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in .
It 's not just that a gulf exists in living standards — there 's a psychological ravine .
In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings .
The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged .
With regard to sex , digital divide exists between men and women .
According to recent studies , digital divide has been caused by three major elements : class , sex , and generation .
In terms of class , digital divide exists among different types of workers and between the upper and middle classes and the lower class .
How can we bridge the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals ?
Even more worryingly , the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the " digital divide " between the rich countries and the poor countries .
In fact , modern lifestyles are actually exacerbating the gap between male and female life expectancies .
The MPs claim that the gender neutral words ' create a gap between the spoken language and written language . '
I want a language that has no larger a semantic gap than Java has today .
But because it has the connective wide gaps between web-applying and traditional tabletop , people must do repeated migration of datum between them .
Because the service interfaces of different GIS products are distinct and restrictive , it is impossible to satisfy the requirements of spatial information interoperation on Internet .
AML can be a powerful approach to construct AUV mental model , which will bridge the gap between the agent theories and their applications in robotics .
Rapid growth of ICTs in rural Africa and emerging economies such as Brazil and China is closing the gap in ICTs between North and South .
This paper expounds the new challenges from WTO entry of China and digital gap problem in networking era to the information services , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions about narrowing the digital gap and strengthening the information services .
The semantic gap between low feature and high semantic feature makes CBVR not applicable for general users .
SAWSDL intends to close the gap between Web Services and the Semantic Web by introducing means of referencing semantic models , defined outside the WSDL , from WSDL and XSD elements .
If you need more proof , just this month Facebook announced that it will be facilitating the spread of mobile applications , not to mention linking into them & finally bridging the gap between web and app .
It is also proposed that the combination of role use case and UML with the 3R ( refinement , realization , and reflection ) mechanism and AOP should be used to build a bridge on the gap between analysis and design .
Even if a G-2 model were possible , there remains such a huge gap between China and the US that it would require an uneven sharing of responsibilities by the two countries .
Aiming at the " Semantic Gap ", image retrieval based on ROI that combines grid and quotient space granularity theory is proposed . It integrates color , texture and shape features and implies relevant feedback to retrieve image .
A new concept as so-called " digital divide " advanced from Okinawa Meeting by G-8 , some hot discussion around the world has been aroused this year .
This dissertation is based on the " Narrowing the Digit-divide West Program Key Technique and Applied Research of the Public Information Platform based on the Domestic Linux " as the first batch of national 863 important special project ( serial number : 2003AA1Z2530 ) .
As the dilemma may have geographic , demographic , and / or socio economic dimensions , arising from unequal access to information infrastructures , digital divide also concerns economic inequality , such as in employment , information and / or security ( Yuguchi , 2008 ) .
The Influence of Digital Divide on Developing Countries and Relevant Countermeasures