
biān zhōng
  • chime;serial bells;peal
编钟 [biān zhōng]
  • [serial bells] 中国古代祭祀、宴享用的一组音调高低不同的乐钟

编钟[biān zhōng]
  1. 应用激光全息术测试古编钟的振动特性

    Test Vibrating Characteristics of Chime & Bells by Laser Holography

  2. 中华古编钟的乐钟性质研究

    Study on the acoustic characteristics of the ancient Chinese chime - bell

  3. 在完整叙述了音频(MIDI音乐)、视频(Poser定制下的编钟乐舞动作)各自运作流程和阶段性结果之后,本文转入了如何将音频、视频同步结合起来的讨论。

    After depiction of the flow and phase result of Frequency Analysis ( MIDI ) and Motion-Relation ( based on Poser ), the paper switch to the discussion of how to combine the Frequency flow and Video flow , and make them synchronous .

  4. 中国古代编钟振动特性的有限元分析

    Analysis of Vibration Character for Chinese Ancient Bell Using Finite Element Method

  5. 中国编钟和西方钟琴的历史发展及其文化内涵初探

    A Preliminary Investigation on Chinese Chime Bells and Western Bells

  6. 我想到武汉博物院参观编钟。

    I 'd like to see the chime at the Wuhan musium .

  7. 演奏编钟,通常会立即起到定心的作用。

    Playing the bells usually causes an immediate centering effect .

  8. 编钟,又叫歌钟,是我国古代的重要乐器。

    Bells known songs bell is an important instrument in ancient China .

  9. 历代的编钟形制不一,枚数也有异。

    The bells different shapes history , there are several different pieces .

  10. 两套新郑出土编钟的乐律学分析

    The Temperament of Two Sets of Bells Newly Discovered in Xinzheng Town

  11. 青铜编钟的发展脉络

    Research on the Development of Chinese Bronze Chime bells

  12. 青铜乐器:青铜鼓、青铜编钟、铃等等。

    Music instruments : bronze drum , bronze bells , and small bells etc.

  13. 青铜编钟起源的探讨

    The origin of Chinese bronze chime - bells

  14. 影响水杯编钟音调变化的实验研究

    The experimental study of affecting the pitch of " watered glass chime bell "

  15. 楚文化保护中编钟乐舞的复原与展示

    Reconstruction and Exhibition of Chime Bell Music and Choreography for Safeguarding of Ancient Chu-culture

  16. 东周编钟造型工艺研究

    Study on the Sculpt Techniques of the Bronze Bells in Chimes in Dong Zhou Period

  17. 古编钟的声学特性

    Acoustic characteristics of ancient chime bells

  18. 它还认为,编钟可以帮助打破了在家里坏的能量。

    It is also believed that chimes can help break up bad energy in the home .

  19. 如今编钟多用于民族管弦乐队,是色彩性很强的旋律乐器。

    Today , many of those for national orchestra , color is a strong melody instrument .

  20. 这一正鼓音列设置的改变,使编钟的旋律性能进一步加强。

    This alteration of tonic train installation causes the set of bells melody performances strengthen further .

  21. 编钟、编磬,分别沿两壁立架悬挂;

    The chime , Bianqing , along two rise steeply the frame to be hanging separately ;

  22. 有音阶变化的编钟演奏。二阶、三阶变系数线性微分方程可降阶的一个类型

    A Type Which Order Can be Depressed for Second or Third Order Linear Differential Equation with Varied Coefficient

  23. 而以编钟乐舞为代表的民族特色舞蹈为音乐驱动运动编辑前沿技术注入了全新的概念和素材。

    And the national region dance such as Bianzhong Dance give Music-Driven Motion Editing research bran-new ideas and material .

  24. 简述了面向编钟乐舞的虚拟角色的动作库制作过程。

    It is simply introduced the course of the motion database on a virtual model for the Bianzhong choreography .

  25. 曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。

    Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi , Warring States Period , unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb , in the Hubei Provincial Museum .

  26. 很多人觉得有钱交融调和色彩的编钟制作的好坏直接影响其脉。

    Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones which the bells produce have a direct affect upon their chakras .

  27. 茶楼有编钟古乐表演,可看,但是要买茶,最低10元一杯。

    In a teahouse there was ancient bell music and dance show , free with purchasing of tea , 10 yuan minimum .

  28. 有音阶变化的编钟演奏。用来变化所弹的音质。

    Ringing tuned bells in a fixed order that is continually changing . They are used to vary the qualify of tones played .

  29. 编钟作为周代的礼乐重器,是周代礼乐制度的具体体现。

    The chime , as one national jewels for rites and music , is the embodiment of the system of the Zhou Dynasty .

  30. 在打击乐器中,一种声音洪亮悦耳的石制编钟“磬”一直从周朝沿用至今。

    Among the percussion instruments , the " qing ", tuned sonorous stone chimes of the Zhou era , has been retained today .