
  • 网络encoding mechanism;coding mechanism;coding scheme
  1. 唯一不同的一点是,SOAP消息体的内容包含一些额外的类型信息,这是由编码机制生成的。

    It only differs in that the content of the SOAP message body contains extra type information that the encoding mechanism generates .

  2. 遗传算法的编码机制研究

    Studies on encoding mechanism of genetic algorithms

  3. 一种新的XML文档编码机制

    A New XML Document Coding Scheme

  4. 服务注册中心(如WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository)能为之前的手动编码机制提供中间件解决方案。

    A service registry , such as WebSphere Service Registry and Repository , provides a middleware solution to previously hand-crafted mechanisms .

  5. 第二章介绍了P2P相关技术,包括数据编码机制、激励机制和网络测量技术。

    The second chapter discusses related work in P2P area , including data coding , network measurement and incentive mechanisms .

  6. 编码机制采用改进的ST序列拓扑编码,降低了多播树编码操作的复杂度。

    The coding mechanism applies improved ST sequence topology code which reduces the complexity of operation on multicast tree coding .

  7. 这种新的编码机制与目前通信系统中普通的卷积编码方式相比,其纠错性能有了很大的提高。Turbo码已经被国际电信联盟提议用于第三代移动通信系统中。

    Turbo Code , a channel coding scheme introduced in 1993 has been proposed for third generation mobile communication systems .

  8. 这种STA法对于大脑神经信息编码机制的研究具有重要意义。

    Consequently , STA method is of great significance to investigate the mechanisms underlying neuronal coding in brain .

  9. 为了有效地解决XML函数依赖的蕴涵问题,该文提出了一种DTD路径编码机制,对它的性质进行了分析。

    In the paper , in order to solve the implication of XML function dependency , a path coding method of DTD is presented , and its characters are analyzed .

  10. 本文对汉语词典查询算法研究作了简要回顾,设计实现了基于双数组TRIE机制的汉语词典查询算法,并提出了基于双编码机制的词典查询算法。

    In this paper , we review the Algorithms for Chinese dictionary query , design and implement a Chinese dictionary based on Double-Array TRIE mechanism , present a new Chinese dictionary based on Double Coding mechanism .

  11. 为了生成消息摘要,您需要一种加密编码机制。

    To produce a message digest , you need a scrambling mechanism .

  12. 字符引用是一种独立于字符编码机制的可以输入任何文档字符集中字符的机制。

    Character references are a character encoding-independent mechanism for entering any character from the document character set .

  13. 此集合包含有标准编码机制,使消息传输代理能够正确处理编码的消息。

    This collection holds standard encoding mechanisms so that message transfer agents can properly handle encoded messages .

  14. 这一方案是为了证明在眼睛的视觉成像原理中存在着分时复用和时间编码机制,从而利用有限数目的电极对视觉皮层进行刺激却可以得到较为完整的图像信息。

    Therefore relatively complete image data can be achieved when the visual cortex is stimulated by limited electrodes .

  15. 采用可变长度的染色体编码机制,并进行优化选择、交叉、变异等操作;

    We use modified variable string length , and optimize GA selection , GA crossover and GA mutation .

  16. 本文还针对这种保护方式提出了两种具体的网络编码机制,并给出了详细的理论分析。

    In addition , we propose two network coding mechanisms for it and give a detailed theory support .

  17. 目的:探讨培养的海马神经元网络对外界刺激信息的群体编码机制。

    Objective : To investigate the mechanism of population coding underlying the stimulus information processing in hippocampal neuronal network .

  18. 听觉皮层神经编码机制同时也受到听觉反馈和语言或发声过程中发声信号的调控。

    Neural representations in auditory cortex are also modulated by auditory feedback and vocal control signals during speaking or vocalization .

  19. 因此,对视网膜神经节细胞放电活动的研究有助于了解视网膜的信息处理和编码机制。

    Therefore , study on the firing activities of retinal ganglion cells helps to understand the information processing and encoding mechanism of the retina .

  20. 在用准精确惩罚函数处理约束优化问题的基础上,提出一种基于浮点数编码机制的信息熵控制多种群遗传算法。

    An improved floating-point coded genetic algorithm controlled by information entropy is presented to solve the constrained optimization problems based on the quasi-exact penalty function .

  21. 论文对当前主流应用层组播模型的可靠性和稳定性问题进行了分析,认为可靠性问题的影响因素包括模型结构、节点性能、链路失效、数据报文出错和丢失、编码机制等。

    The impact of reliability problems that include model structure limit , node failure , node performance , link failure , data errors and lost encoding mechanism .

  22. 提出了一种自适应混合遗传算法,该算法采用直观的自然数编码机制、混合启发式规则的解码方法和改进的遗传算子。

    It was presented an adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm which adopted of N-array coding , relevant decoding algorithm combining with heuristic rules , and new genetic operators .

  23. 根据网格任务调度的特性重新设计了编码机制、亲和度函数、复制算子、交叉算子以及变异算子。

    For example , we redesigned the coding mechanism , fitness function , reproduction operator , crossover operator , mutation operator and the parameters of the scheduling system .

  24. 这种激活的强度在后一事件出现时达最高峰,以致被视为一种可能时距编码机制而成为目前时间生物学研究的一个热点问题。

    Climbing activity would reach such a peak coincident with the time at which the later stimulus appears that it is viewed as a possible duration coding mechanism .

  25. 新的方案中包括结合不平等差错保护的分层编码机制,以及针对基本层数据提出的限制重传次数的错误重传机制。

    This scheme includes some new Error Resilience mechanisms : Layered Coding with Unequal Error Protection and Error Retransmission of restricts retransmit times which directed mainly at the base layer data .

  26. 前言:根据成组技术基本原理和成组夹具固有特点,建立了一种简单的零件编码机制,提出了“基于体素的工艺信息封装”。

    According to the basic principle of GT and the natural characters of group fixture , providing a kind of coding scheme and the concept of " information encapsulation based on primitive " .

  27. 本研究假设数障儿童数字距离效应缺失,数字符号效应异常,并且这种缺失和异常是由于数量的空间表征和言语数字的编码机制存在缺陷。

    It was hypothesized that MLD children had deficit in numerical distance effect and were abnormal in numerical notation effect . These were due to the insufficiently spatial representation of magnitude and encoding mechanism of verbal number .

  28. 研究了一种基于流水线结构的多级数字混沌保密通信方案,以驱动参量法作为同步实现模型,并在编码机制上进行了改进。

    A multilevel digital chaotic encoding scheme based on pipeline structure is presented in this paper . With the synchronizing model carried out through driven-parameter method , the scheme is improved by pipeline structure to achieve higher data throughput .

  29. 并对传统遗传算法的编码机制进行改进,设计了适合编码方案的交叉、变异操作,使用参数控制策略在保证全局寻优的同时帮助算法稳步收敛。

    Besides , it improves the coding mechanism of traditional GA and designs proper operation of interlocking and variation which suits coding scheme . The utilization of parameter control method helps the algorithm converge steadily while seeking the global optimization .

  30. 为了增强实时性,减少原始帧的丢失,本文采用多线程编码机制与多缓冲区交替采集的方案,从而比较好的解决了图像采集与视频编码的同步问题。

    In order to enhance real-time , reduce the loss of the original frame , this dissertation uses the program of multi-threaded coding scheme and Multi-buffer alternate capture . Then it is a better solution for synchronization of image acquisition and of video coding .