
biān yì
  • compile;translate and edit
编译 [biān yì]
  • [translate and edit] 编写和翻译外文。也称翻译者

  • 最近编译任务繁重

编译[biān yì]
  1. 要编译并连接main代码,可以使用下面的命令行

    To compile and link the main code , use the following command line

  2. 要创建main可执行文件,请编译源代码

    To create the main executable , compile the sources

  3. 代码破译与代码编译不会间隔太长时间。

    Code breaking never lags far behind code making .

  4. 可编译例子见parameters.cpp.这是Spirit分发包的组成部分。

    See parameters.cpp for a compilable example . This is part of the Spirit distribution .

  5. BUILD用作实际编译软件的暂存空间。

    BUILD is used as scratch space to actually compile the software .

  6. 生物统计分析平台的WinHelp工程文件编写与编译

    Editing and compiling Win Help project of biological statistic analysis platform

  7. 在许多基于编译器的Scheme实现中,宏展开在编译时发生。

    On many compiler-based Scheme implementations , macro-expansion time occurs during compile time .

  8. 关于C编译器对++运算编译的研究

    About C Compiler to + + Operation Translation Research

  9. 提出一种新的基于容忍入侵的C代码安全编译技术。

    A new C code safe compilation based on intrusion tolerance is proposed .

  10. 最新的C编译器将编译和汇编步骤组合成一个步骤。

    Modern C compilers combine the compile and assemble steps into one step .

  11. 在次序编译模式下,make从左到右工作,首先生成文件info.h。

    In serial build mode , make works from left to right , and the file info . h is generated first .

  12. 编译Java类和报告所有的错误。

    Compile the Java classes and report any errors .

  13. 没有一种本地代码编译技术能够适合所有的Java执行环境。

    No one native code compilation technology is suitable for all Java execution environments .

  14. 包括构建Linux开发环境,配置ARM交叉编译工具链。

    Including building Linux develop environment , configuring ARM cross compile tool chain .

  15. 编译Java源代码需要用到以下组件

    Compiling Java source requires the following components

  16. 高速RS(31,15)编译码器的FPGA实现

    Implementation of RS ( 31,15 ) Encoder and Decoder with FPGA

  17. 当您保存并编译该应用程序时,您将注意到对add()的最后调用失败了

    When you save and compile the program , you 'll notice the final call to add () fails

  18. 编译应用程序之后,只需用一个Web服务器驻留/output文件夹。

    When the application is compiled , all you have to do is host the / output folder by a Web server .

  19. 创建、管理和运行ANT编译文件

    Create , manage , and run the ANT build file

  20. 对静态SQL的授权发生在编译时或绑定时。

    Authorization for static SQL takes place at compile or bind time .

  21. RS编译码算法及在战术数据链中的应用

    Application of RS encoding and decoding method in tactical data link

  22. 提出一种使用GUN工具构建可靠灵活的编译体系的理论和方法。

    The theory and method of a compilation system based on GUN is presented .

  23. NET页面是编译型的,但页面中的许多操作将占用大量的服务器资源。

    NET is translation type , but many operations of the page will take up a great deal of server resources .

  24. 我们要使用的例子是在一个高位优先系统上编译PINE。

    The example that caught us was compiling PINE on a big-endian system .

  25. 在缺省情况下,cl将完成这个代码的编译,而不会产生任何错误。

    By default , cl passes this code without any error .

  26. 在一般情况下,较老的CPU无法执行使用这些选项编译的代码。

    In general , code compiled with this option will not execute on older CPUs .

  27. 第三章详细介绍了RS码的编译码方法和纠错性能。

    In chapter 3 I explain the coding and decoding method of RS codes .

  28. 运行下面的命令,完整地编译一个基于C的扩展模块hashcash

    Running the following line fully builds a C-based extension module , hashcash

  29. 但是,在非编译语言,例如PHP中,会发生什么?

    But what happens in a language that doesn 't compile , such as PHP ?

  30. XML格式化的本地化包被组织成独立的软件包,并存储在核心模块可执行文件以外,而不必编译进可执行文件中。

    The XML-formatted localization packs are organized into separate packages and stored outside the core module executable without being compiled into the executable .