
biān nián shǐ
  • chronicle;annals;annal
编年史 [biān nián shǐ]
  • [chronicle;annal] 指按时间顺序记述历史史实或事件。亦称年代史

编年史[biān nián shǐ]
  1. 《金代文学编年史》编写札记

    Reflection on the Writing of Annals of Jin Literature

  2. 你经历过的生活,是我持续研究的编年史。

    The life you went through is the annals I devote myself to for long .

  3. 这部编年史分为6个部分。

    The chronicle breaks down into six parts .

  4. 每块崩碎剥落的石头都是一部编年史。

    Every mouldering stone was a chronicle .

  5. 梅尔策是一位非常有影响力的货币主义者,他撰写的《联储历史》(AHistoryoftheFederalReserve)一书被誉为最详尽的美联储编年史。

    Meltzer is a highly influential monetarist who authored a history of the Federal Reserve , lauded as the most comprehensive chronicle of the central bank .

  6. 这些曾经的学者可以在《学术复苏编年史》(ChroniclesofaRecoveringAcademic)和《前博士汇聚地》(Dr.OuttaHere,需警惕淫秽内容)等博客上找到同道中人。

    And former academics can find kindred souls at blogs like Chronicles of a Recovering Academic and Dr. Outta Here ( obscenity alert ) .

  7. 当然我也喜欢鲍勃·迪伦(BobDylan)的《编年史》(Chronicles),它令我以身为音乐人而自豪。

    Of course I loved Bob Dylan 's " Chronicles . " It made me proud to be a musician .

  8. 它将ApacheSpinnaker计划的开端记入编年史,这个开端也是Xercessoftware的起始。

    It chronicles the beginning of the Apache Spinnaker project , which was a refactoring initiative for the Xerces software .

  9. 莱斯利·泰勒兹(LwsleyTellez),美子编年史(TheMijaChronicles)网站的作者与博主。

    LESLEY TELLEZ , writer and blogger , The Mija Chronicles .

  10. 这些曾经的学者可以在《学术复苏编年史》(ChroniclesofaRecoveringAcademic)和《前博士汇聚地》(Dr.OuttaHere,需警惕淫秽内容)等博客上找到同道中人。

    And former academics can find kindred souls at blogs like " Chronicles of a Recovering Academic " and " Dr. Outta Here " ( obscenity alert ) .

  11. 值得注意的是抗议者们认真遵循着美国编年史作家法国人AlexisdeTocqueville所推崇的民主观。

    But the protest is also notable for scrupulous adherence to the sort of democratic values that Alexis de Tocqueville , a French chronicler of America , loved .

  12. GeorgeBallas成为著名的“割草大王”。就像他告诉休斯敦编年史的,“打草机这种想法是一生之中最难得的。”

    George Ballas became known as the " Weed King . " As he once told the Houston Chronicle , " A Weed Eater comes along once in a lifetime . "

  13. 局部扭转这种转变借用伦敦金融城编年史作者和评论家菲利普奥格(philipaugar)的话,让银行家们重新变得绅士将并非易事,也不会自然发生。

    Partially reversing that transformation making bankers gentlemanly again , to steal a phrase from city chronicler and critic Philip augar will not be easy , or happen on its own .

  14. 凯泽相信这部编年史是在公元115年写的。

    Kaiser believes this chronicle to have been written in ad115 .

  15. 我在一本古老的编年史上看到过类似的记载。

    I have read of such thing in the ancient chronicles .

  16. 这部新出版的编年史分成八大部分。

    The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts .

  17. 他们把第二次世界大战中所有的重大事件都载入编年史中。

    They chronicled all the remarkable happenings of the Second World War .

  18. 《总统的涂鸦》将两个世纪的椭圆形办公室内的艺术作品载入编年史。

    " Presidential Doodles " chronicles two centuries of Oval Office artistry .

  19. 我们在高等教育编年史出版的年鉴中寻找答案。

    We looked in the almanac published by the Chronicle of Higher Education .

  20. 防御者编年史,它比止痛药还好。

    Defender Chronicles – It 's better than Percocet .

  21. 这些年轮就为西南地区留下了过去降雨情况的编年史。

    These rings form an annual record of past rainfall in the Southwest .

  22. 喀什米尔诸王编年史

    A Chronicle of the Kings of Kas ' mir

  23. 这是一部有关预测调整的编年史。

    This was the chronicle of a correction foretold .

  24. 他参考了这一时期的编年史。

    He consulted the chronicles of the period .

  25. 《中国文学编年史》抽样分析

    Sampling Analysis of A Chronicle of Chinese Literature

  26. 西方道教研究编年史(1950-1990)[选译七]

    A chronicle of Taoism Studies in the West 1950 - 1990 ( Continued )

  27. 这部编年史分成四部分。

    The chronicle breaks down into four parts .

  28. 南朝时期是整个编年史发展进程中一个不可或缺的历史阶段。

    It 's an indispensable phase for the evolution of chronicle during the Southern Dynasty .

  29. 《编年史》以及《传奇》两系列之后,龙枪小说的阅读顺序就变得有点杂七杂八了。

    After the Chronicles and Legends series , the reading order gets a bit muddy .

  30. 这是贝尔腾的编年史书。

    This is the Chronicle of Beltain .