
  • 网络Editorial;editorial policy
  1. 3·《科学时代》杂志的编辑方针和主要内容;

    Editorial guiding principles and chief contents of Scientific Age Monthly ;

  2. 《每日邮报》的编辑方针完全由他一手把持。

    The editorial policy of the daily mail was under his total command .

  3. 该报为其不受欢迎的编辑方针进行了辩护。

    The newspaper defended its unpopular editorial stance .

  4. 栏目变迁则是期刊适应编辑方针和受众需求变化作出调整的过程。

    The changes of the columns are the results of adapting edition guideline and acceptors ' demands .

  5. 编辑方针是编辑记者进行采编活动必须遵循的基本原则和主要依据。

    During the journalist 's gathering news and compiling news , the editorial policy is the essential standard and primary basis .

  6. 利市长用以下理由证明自己言之无过:上个世纪30年代,该家报纸出版者的编辑方针是支持纳粹的。

    Livingstone gave the following explanation to justify his position : The publisher of the newspaper had a pro-Nazi editorial line during the1930s .

  7. 本文回顾了《地理学报》复刊15年来的编辑方针和社会效益。

    The paper gives an overview of the principles of editing and social benefits of the 《 Acta Geographica Sinica 》 for the last fifteen years .

  8. 香港电台虽以公帑经营,但编辑方针独立,在资讯、教育及娱乐方面,为市民提供取材客观、分量均衡的广播节目。

    RTHK is a publicly-funded , editorially independent broadcaster whose mission is to inform , educate and entertain people through the provision of balanced and objective programmes .

  9. 编辑方针的作用有多种多样,其中最主要的有:规定和决定了编辑的方向、行为和内容;

    Among the different functions played by the editorial guidelines , the primary ones are as follows : prescribing and determining the direction , behavior and contents of editing ;

  10. 英国广播公司表示:“这期节目是在2011年播出的。之后我们已加强了编辑方针、制作标准和价值观念的培训,所有员工都必须参加。”

    The BBC said : " Since this programme was broadcast in 2011 we have strengthened our mandatory training for all staff in editorial guidelines , standards and values . "

  11. 目前,网络新闻传播策划与组织主要包括新闻网站策划、编辑方针定制和网络新闻报道策划与组织三个方面。

    Presently , the planning and organizing of online news communication include chiefly three parts : the planning of the news web-site , making of editing principle and the planning and organizing of online news report .

  12. 笔者认为影响夏季奥运会报纸评论的主要因素是媒体竞争的环境愈发激烈、受众出现分化、报纸编辑方针不同、记者出现类别化。

    The author says that the mainly factor influences the Olympic newspaper comments . Such as the increasingly environment of competition , the audience appear of differentiation , newspaper editorial policies of differentiation , reporters appeared category .

  13. 丁玲曾是延安《解放日报》文艺栏的主编,她的编辑方针曾一度影响了文艺栏的发展,而文艺栏作为一个载体,它又真实的记录了丁玲的转向。

    As the chief editor of Literary Column of the " Liberation Daily ," her editorial policy affected the development of the column , and in turn as a carrier , the column recorded her change in literary creation .

  14. 无论是报纸还是电视—他们总是说着同样的事情—“我们自己的手不会沾染编辑方针,我们会允许原来编辑继续—而后总是从未兑现,”莱文森说道。

    whether it 's a newspaper or television operation-they always say the same thing - 'We 're going to keep our hands off the editorial policy , we 're going to allow the original editors to continue ' - and invariably that never holds , " said Levinson .

  15. 这也成为了全美新闻编辑行业的方针。

    That became the policy in newsrooms across America .

  16. 教育期刊应该坚持以下几个编辑原则:编辑方针上坚持正确的导向性;

    There are some basic editorial principles in the field of educational magazines : The editorial guiding policy should be on the side of correct opinion orientation ;

  17. 《现代》的编辑特色和经验体现如下:独立明确的编辑方针,综合全面的刊物定位;

    The following issues show the editorial features and experiences : explicit editorial guidance and comprehensive periodic style ;

  18. 丁玲的编辑思想主要表现于三个方面:对于作品追求政治性与艺术性统一,在具体的运作过程中实行大度与宽容的编辑方针,主张以文艺的形式对现实展开原则性批评。

    Ding Ling 's editorial thought mainly comprises three aspects : unity of politics and art , policy of magnanimity and tolerance , and proposition of criticizing the reality with art and literature .