
  • 网络Encoding effect;sensory coding;coding action;coding function
  1. 实验结果说明大鼠海马CA1神经元对外周传入信号具有编码作用,参与对信号的调制。

    From these results we can conclude that hippocampal CA1 neurons can modulate peripheral afferent signals and have encoding effects to them .

  2. 汉字词识别过程的形、音、义编码作用的研究

    The orthographic , phonetic and semantic coding of Chinese words

  3. 利用光栅编码作用图像的等密度提取及边缘增强

    Realizing Edge-enhancement and Equidensitometry of Image by using Grating Encoding

  4. 重复放电是神经元功能活动的基本表现,起到重要的信息编码作用。

    The essential behavior of neural functional activity is repetitive firing which plays an important role in information encoding .

  5. 另外还比较了Dz和Dx对最优稠密编码的作用的差别,阐明它们起主要作用的取值区域。

    Comparison of the effects of Dz and Dx on optimal dense coding is made and their dominant regions are clarified .

  6. 如果说神经元放电的时间形式起着对神经信息进行编码的作用,就需要对它有一个完整的、明确的认识。

    If the temporal pattern of neuronal discharge does encode neural signals , then it is imperative to have a concrete and thorough understanding of the processes involved .

  7. 在光纤延迟测向激光告警系统中,光纤延迟线是用来连接光学接收系统和光电转换系统,它在这里起到传输光、延迟光、对光信号进行编码的作用。

    In the optical fiber delay directional detection laser warning system , the optical fiber delay lines are used to connect optical incept system with photoelectric conversion system , transmit the laser , cause delay in optical signals and encode the optical signals simultaneously .

  8. 与生物体发育相关的非编码RNA及其作用机理

    Organism Development Related Non-Coding RNA and Their Functional Mechanisms

  9. 在这个示例中,将过滤作用较强的谓词编码在过滤作用较弱的谓词之前将对我们不利。

    In that example , coding the most-filtering predicate before the least-filtering predicate will work to our disadvantage .

  10. 大麦条纹花叶病毒中国株基因组克隆分析和编码蛋白相互作用研究

    Cloning and Analysis the Genome Sequence of Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus China Strain and Studies on Its Protein-protein Iteraction

  11. 因此,与AND逻辑不同,使用OR逻辑时,需要将过滤作用较弱的谓词编码在过滤作用较强的谓词之前。

    Therefore , unlike AND logic , with OR logic we want to code the least-filtering predicate before the most-filtering predicate .

  12. 还发现GT与由新基因编码的蛋白相互作用。

    The other is a protein coded by a new gene .

  13. 目的本研究采用近红外光学成像技术(fNIRS),探讨双侧前额叶在非相关词对的语义编码过程中的作用。

    Objective To explore the role of the prefrontal cortex in semantic encoding of unrelated word pairs by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy ( fNIRS ) .

  14. 比特率在视频编码中具有重要作用。

    Rate control plays a key role in video coding .

  15. 汉语词汇产生中词汇选择和音韵编码之间的交互作用

    The Interaction of Lexical Selection and Phonological Encoding in Chinese Word Production

  16. 食管癌相关基因1编码蛋白的相互作用蛋白筛选

    Search for interacting proteins of esophageal cancer related gene-1 encoded protein through the yeast two-hybrid system

  17. 在研读大量文献的基础上,对知识编码的定义及其作用、知识编码的成本&收益分析、以及企业层次上的知识编码研究等进行了述评。

    The definition , functions , cost-benefit analyses , and researches at firm level of knowledge codification are expatiated and evaluated in this paper .

  18. 特别是近些年来,随着计算机科学的发展,它在数据分类,信息论和编码理论中的作用日益突出。

    Especially in recent years , with the development of computer science , it plays more and more important roles in data classification , information theory and coding theory .

  19. 在短时记忆和长时记忆加工过程中两组被试都显示出了形义两维编码维量的作用最强,而音码的作用相对比较弱。

    In short-term and long-term memory , both groups showed that the effects of the formal and semantic code were most intense and the effect of the phonetic code was relatively weaker .

  20. DM编码对Huffman编码的优化作用

    Optimize The Huffman Coding By DM Coding

  21. 随着研究的深入,大量重金属胁迫相关的基因被报道,这些基因主要是一些编码质膜转运蛋白的序列、编码螯合作用蛋白的序列等。

    With the development of study , a host of genes related to cadmium stress have been reported . These genes were mainly involved in coding plasmalemma transporter and chelation protein .

  22. 文中提出了三种不同的信源信道编码方法,取得了不错的效果,而后对Turbo编码方法在抗误码编码方面的作用进行了详尽的分析。

    Three different source-channel coding mechanisms have been implemented and then the effect of Turbo on error protection has been detailed analyzed .

  23. 介绍图像压缩编码技术发展过程,对图像压缩编码,特别是自适应预测编码、模型法编码、分形编码、小波变换压缩编码、神经网络压缩编码原理和特点进行分析,并阐述图像压缩编码的作用。

    The developing process of images compression coding technology is introduced . Analyzing the images compression coding , especially to the auto-adapting compression coding , model method encoding , fractal coding , wavelet transforms coding , neural network coding . The function of image compression coding is described .