
  • 网络Morse code
  1. 那是一个“k。”,肯定是摩尔斯电码。

    That 's a " k. " definitely Morse code .

  2. 摩尔斯电码是在电报技术中一种早期使用的电码。

    Morse code was an early code in telegraphy .

  3. 他睡觉前还用这发摩尔斯电码呢。

    He was sending Morse codes before he went to bed .

  4. 如果那是摩尔斯电码的话,真是糟糕。

    As I was saying , you and Leonard had a disappointing sexual encounter .

  5. 接着,他用发报机将这篇密文电报以标准摩尔斯电码的形式发出。

    He then transmitted the encrypted message with a standard Morse code radio transmitter .

  6. 1844年的今天,首个“摩尔斯电码”信息被发送,其内容是“上帝所做之功”。

    1844-First Morse code message sent , reading " What hath God wrought " .

  7. 他嗒嗒地拍发了一份摩尔斯电码的电报。

    He rapped out a Morse message .

  8. 收音机里,一个具有摩尔斯电码的小号宣布新闻报告。

    On the radio , a trumpet blast punctuated by Morse code announced a news bulletin .

  9. 尽管两位信号兵失去了联系,不过使用摩尔斯电码的技巧还是一直没有忘记。

    Although the two signalers lost touch , they never lost their skill at the old code .

  10. 没有自动打印或传输,需要麻烦地用摩尔斯电码操作。

    There was no automatic printing or transmission , which had to be done laboriously in Morse code .

  11. 纳粹间谍在时装设计图中暗含摩尔斯电码的点和线,用以传递重大军事机密。

    Nazi agents relayed sensitive military information using the dots and dashes of Morse code incorporated in the drawings .

  12. 只要了解摩尔斯电码优先上市-一个很好的工具,便于学习和实践莫尔斯电码。

    Just Learn Morse Code Priority listing-An excellent tool that makes it easy to learn and practice Morse code .

  13. 500千赫:这是一艘国际船要求和求救频率海通信在摩尔斯电码。

    500 kHz : This is an international ship calling and distress frequency for maritime communications in Morse code .

  14. 1844年发明的摩尔斯电码使电报成为美国最早的大众通讯工具

    The invention of Morse Code in 1844 turns the telegraph into America 's first tool of mass communication .

  15. 莫尔斯电码的节目信息-此计划的目的是帮助初学者学习接收和发送的国际摩尔斯电码。

    Morse Code program information-This program is designed to help the beginner learn to receive and send the International Morse Code .

  16. 根据摩尔斯电码译码网站,这条信息还原成莫尔斯电码以后长这样:

    Here is , according to a Morse-code translation website , what the original message would have looked like in Morse code :

  17. 他将利用摩尔斯电码的形式拼出他姓名的第一个字母。

    He would use a version of Morse code to spell the first letters of his first name and his family name .

  18. 这是一个把通过声卡传来的摩尔斯式电码代码解码成文字的解码器,无需额外硬件,你只需要一台带声卡的计算机和一台接收机。

    This is a sound came to through the Morse code decoder decoding a text , no additional hardware , you only need a computer with a sound card and a receiver .