
Mó ní jiāo
  • Manichaeism;Manicheism
  1. 摩尼教树符号在东方的演变

    Evolution of Tree as A Symbol of Manicheism in Eastern

  2. 这是东方摩尼教颇受佛教影响的又一例。

    This is another example to show that Buddhism impacted greatly on Manicheism in the East .

  3. 已故的前英国工党内阁大臣、时任欧盟专员的罗伊詹金斯(royjenkins)曾对布莱尔感到钦佩,但后来,他开始对于他所称的布莱尔的摩尼教倾向即认为一切非黑即白感到失望。

    The late Roy Jenkins , a sometime labour cabinet minister who then served as a European Commissioner , had admired Mr Blair , but came to regret what he called his Manichean tendency to view everything in black and white .

  4. 朱熹与摩尼教新探

    A New Probe into Zhu Xi and Moni Religion

  5. 奥古斯丁挑战摩尼教,否认摩尼的使徒身份,谴责他拒绝圣经的真理。

    Augustine challenged Manichaeism by denying Mani 's apostleship and condemning his rejection of biblical truth .

  6. 奥巴马居住在“小企业受重视、大企业遭怀疑”的摩尼教世界里。

    The president occupies a Manichean world in which small business is worthy and big business suspicious .

  7. 此外,东方摩尼教的“轮回”观也颇异于佛教:它以人间为“地狱”,视再世为人为最痛苦的“轮回”。

    Besides , eastern Manichaeism took the world as hell and its conceptions on rebirth were also different from that of Buddhism .

  8. 在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉的三次演讲中,他提出了一个新的外交政策,这一政策是反对前任摩尼教观点的。

    In three speeches in Prague , Cairo and Accra , he set out a new foreign policy that rejects the Manichean view of his predecessor .

  9. 因此,人们在热衷于探讨东方摩尼教深受佛教“影响”的同时,切毋忽视了它“多取形式,保留内涵”的特点。

    So it was worth pointing out that we should paid attention to Manichaeism 's characteristic of keeping essence when discussing about Buddhism 's impact on it .

  10. 其原因,一方面由于摩尼教借鉴了基督教、琐罗亚斯德教、佛教,希腊、中国文化中的某些因素;

    As for the causes , on the one hand , because Manicheism borrowed some factors from christianity , zoroastrianism , buddhism , Greek and Chinese civilizations ;

  11. 在摩尼教传入前后,景教(基督教的早期派别聂斯脱利派)也传入了新疆,但早期传播不够广泛。

    Around the same time , Nestorianism , an earlier sect of Christianity , was introduced into Xinjiang , but it was not widespread in the early years .

  12. 其中有摩尼教的信徒,该教派由先知摩尼在公元3世纪创立,信奉苦行主义,以及一些直言不讳的无神论者,还有一位数学家&他曾写过一首赞美异教的颂歌。

    Among them were devotees of the ascetic third-century prophet Mani , a number of outspoken atheists , and a mathematician who had written a paean in praise of paganism .

  13. 《摩尼光佛教法仪略》全面地介绍了摩尼教的历史、教主摩尼、典籍、教团组织、寺院制度以及基本教义。

    " A summary of Manichaeist laws " introduces the history of manichaeism , manes the founder , Manichaeist books and records , organizations , monastery system and its basic religious doctrines .

  14. 文化方面既有回纥向唐朝的请婚和唐朝的赐婚,又有摩尼教在漠北和中原地区的传播。

    In cultural aspect it concludes not only Uighur asked marriages for Tang dynasty and Tang dynasty responded to the requirement , but also Manicheism spread in northern desert and Chinese Mainland .

  15. 九世纪中叶,以摩尼教为国教的回鹘西迁新疆后,促进了摩尼教在新疆的发展。

    In the middle of the ninth century , when the Uighur , who were believers in Manichaeism , moved westward to Xinjiang , they promoted the development of the religion in the region .

  16. 汉文摩尼教典籍中的“平等王”并非如某些学者所言,相当于中国佛教中的“阎罗王”,而应是该教的主神之一“夷数”,其原型来自基督教的“耶稣”。

    As one of main gods in Manichaeism , King of the justice in Chinese classics of Manichaeism was not the King of Hell in Chinese Buddhism but was Yishu , which originated from Jenus Christ .

  17. 拯救在摩尼教社区内作为例证,社区是一个两个级别组成的层次:被选上者,由摩尼的继承者组成,有12位门徒,72位主教和360位长老,还有听众。

    Salvation was exemplified in the Manichaen community , a hierarchy of two classes : the Elect , who consisted of Mani 's successor , 12 apostles , 72 bishops , and360 presbyters ; and the Hearers .

  18. 本文检讨了辽太祖耶律阿保机的降生神话、始祖神话以及一些重要的契丹习俗,发现它们大都能在摩尼降生神话及摩尼教教义和神话中找到原型或依据。

    Close scrutiny of Khitan customs and myths about the birth of Yel ü Abaoji ( Emperor Taizu of the Liao ) and other Khitan ancestors , reveals that most of them derive from Manichaean myths and doctrines .

  19. 本文从乐人、乐器、乐曲以及歌舞戏方面进行考订,指出摩尼教乐舞艺术在西域的产生,正是东西方文化交流与融合的结果。

    This paper studies Manichean music and dance art in the Western Regions from respects of musician , musical instruments , musical composition and song and dance drama , and arrives at a conclusion that it results from cultural exchanges between East and West .