
mào yì zhōnɡ xīn
  • trading center
  1. 象征着城市的贸易中心;

    Symbolizing the trading center of the city ;

  2. 波尔多是一个贸易中心,该地区是著名的葡萄酒生产区域。

    Bordeaux is the trading center of a notable wine-producing region . Population , 208,59 .

  3. 科尔马长期以来一直被视为葡萄酒贸易中心。

    Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade .

  4. 这是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心。

    This is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region .

  5. (ⅵ)国际贸易中心与wto的关系。

    ( vi ) the relationship between the International Trade Centre and the WTO .

  6. 国际贸易中心(InternationalTradeCentre)的数据显示,过去十年美国茶叶进口量增长了30%。

    US imports of tea have risen 30 per cent by volume in the past decade , according to data from the International Trade Centre .

  7. 承办机构中国对外贸易中心(chinaforeigntradecentre)副主任刘建军表示,中国供应商对展位的需求,超出了组织方所能提供的数目,同时,外国买家的兴趣骤增。

    Liu Jianjun , deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Centre , which oversees the event , reported more demand for stands from Chinese suppliers than could be accommodated and a sharp increase in interest from foreign buyers .

  8. UEA混凝土在重庆世界贸易中心工程中的应用

    The Use of UEA Concrete in the Construction of the World Trade Centre in Chongqing

  9. 尽管有人可能会辩称,2006年迪拜港口(DubaiPorts)收购英国铁行港口公司(PO)的价格过高,但这是一项战略性资产,巩固了迪拜作为全球贸易中心的地位。

    Even though it could be argued that Dubai Ports ' acquisition of PO in 2006 was overpriced , it was a strategic asset that consolidated Dubai 's position as a trading hub .

  10. 龙城(dragonmart)希望成为中国商品在海外最大的贸易中心,这里的4000家企业,销售着从机械到安全系统、从塑料玩具到按摩椅等各种商品。

    With 4000 Chinese businesses selling everything from machinery to security systems , plastic toys to massage chairs , the Dragon mart is hoping to become the largest trading hub abroad for Chinese products .

  11. 两年前万通曾退出了与52层的7号贸易中心的开发者LarrySilverstein签署的类似的初步协议。

    The company backed out of a similar preliminary agreement two years ago with trade center developer Larry Silverstein at his52-story tower , Seven World Trade Center .

  12. UKNOWNPILOT:“烟雾来自,啊,世界贸易中心大楼顶部,那里发生了严重火灾。”

    UKNOWN PILOT : " Coming out of the , ah , top of the World Trade Center building , a major fire . "

  13. 代表90余家借款机构的银行家周一齐聚迪拜世界贸易中心的马克图姆酋长(SheikMaktoum)会议大厅,听取迪拜世界债务重组小组的首次情况介绍,但是并没有就这家企业巨头停止偿债提出正式建议。

    Bankers representing more than 90 lenders gathered Monday at the Dubai World Trade Center 's Sheik Maktoum conference hall to hear an initial presentation from Dubai World 's restructuring team , but there was no formal proposal for a standstill on the conglomerate 's debts .

  14. 深圳国际贸易中心大厦的结构设计

    Structural Design of the International Trade Centre High-Rise Building in Shenzhen

  15. 世界贸易中心飞机撞击后倒塌过程的仿真分析

    Dynamic finite element simulation for the collapse of World Trade Center

  16. 鹿特丹和新加坡是转口贸易中心。

    Rotterdam and Singapore are centers for entrop ? T trade .

  17. 贸易中心将要举行一场重要的会议。

    An important conference will take place in the trade center .

  18. 深圳世界贸易中心大厦是一超限高层建筑工程。

    Shenzhen world trade center building is an overrun highrise engineering .

  19. 上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设

    Commerce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai

  20. 中国能否取代新加坡成为亚洲石油贸易中心?

    Can China replace Singapore as the Asian oil trade center ?

  21. 深圳世界贸易中心大厦的有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis for Shenzhen World Trade Center Building

  22. 山西国际贸易中心地下室防水处理

    Waterproofing treatment for basement of Shanxi International Trade Centre Project

  23. 论朝鲜半岛局势缓和所蕴含的商机&将威海发展成为东北亚转口贸易中心的构想

    On the Business Opportunities Embedded in the Tension Relaxation in Korean Peninsular

  24. 您能送我到世界贸易中心吗?

    Could you take me to the World Trade Center ?

  25. 国际贸易中心联合咨询组技术委员会

    Technical Committee of the Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre

  26. 上海是中国最大的贸易中心。

    Shanghai rates as the biggest trade centre in China .

  27. 武汉国际贸易中心大厦弹塑性地震反应分析

    Elastoplastic Time-history Analysis of Wuhan International Trade Center Under Severe Earthquake Excitation

  28. 它就坐落在世界贸易中心的原址。

    It sits in the precise footprint of the World Trade Center .

  29. 除此之外,香港是国际贸易中心。

    Besides , Hong Kong is an international trade center .

  30. 一个个城市都发展成为市场、宗教中心或贸易中心。

    Cities grew up as markets , centres of religion or trade .