
  • 网络Trade creation;Trade Creating;Trade Creating Effect
  1. 金德尔伯格在瓦伊纳“贸易创造”和“贸易转移”的基础上提出了“投资转移”和“投资创造”,分析了区域一体化中FDI的静态效应。

    Based on Viner 's concept of " trade creation " and " trade diversion ", Kindleberger put forword " investment creation " and " investment diversion " to analyze the static effect of FDI in regional integration .

  2. 各国积极参与双边FTA不仅可以获得贸易创造等静态效应,还可以获得扩大市场规模、提升经济竞争力、吸引国外投资、改善贸易条件等动态效应。

    By actively participating in bilateral FTAs countries can not only gain the static effects in trade creation , but also the dynamic effects in expanding market size , escalating economic competitiveness , absorbing foreign investment and improving terms of trade .

  3. FTA的贸易创造效应已成为全球贸易新的增长点,能够促进区内经济和贸易增长。

    FTA creates new global trade growing sources , boosts regional economy and trade increase .

  4. 新一轮跨区域自贸区谈判在石油进出口国间的展开,包括中国与海合会自贸区谈判,在释放贸易创造效应的同时,无疑较WTO体制更有利于推进投资领域的正式甚至非正式合作。

    Another round of trans-regional FTA negotiations are ongoing between oil importing and exporting countries , including the China-GCC FTA talks . They could promote the trade expansion effects and encourage official and non-official cooperations in investment areas in which WTO are incompetent .

  5. 第三,生丝出口贸易创造了较高的产业价值;

    Third , export trade of raw silk created relatively high industrial value .

  6. 军事国际化的深入发展为国际武器贸易创造了便利条件和充分依据。

    The development of military affairs internationalization provides the advantage condition and sufficiency gist .

  7. 若贸易创造大于贸易转移,则福利增加,反之亦然;

    If trade creation is larger than trade diversion , benefit could be increased and vice versa .

  8. 本文认为国际直接投资同时具有贸易创造效应和贸易替代效应。

    This article believes that foreign direct investment has both trade creation effect and trade substitution effect .

  9. 对香港来说则主要是内地市场所蕴含的规模经济所带来的贸易创造效应和劳动力低成本等。

    As for Hong Kong , it can share the proceeds of scale-economy , low cost on labor .

  10. 在新加坡指定一家人民币清算银行,将为中国与东南亚的人民币贸易创造条件。

    A designated bank clearing operation in Singapore would facilitate trade in the renminbi between China and south-east Asia .

  11. 当前,政府应该给予具有贸易创造的海外投资在政策上的大力支持。

    Under current circumstance , the government should give energetic support to overseas investment which can create commercial effect .

  12. 贸易创造是指由于资源的更高效分配而带来的贸易同盟成员国间的贸易量的上升。

    Trade creation refers to the progress that trade is generated between members as resources are more efficiently allocated .

  13. 随着关税壁垒的消除,贸易创造的效应也在日益凸显。

    Along with the elimination of tariff barriers , the effects of Trade Creation will get more and more conspicuous .

  14. 从三个方面的理论:比较优势理论、国际竞争力的新理论、贸易创造和贸易转移理论。

    From three aspects : comparative advantage theory , new international competitiveness theory , trade creation and trade deflection theory .

  15. 经济全球化的浪潮为国际军火贸易创造了条件,也为武器装备的发展提供了新思路;

    The economic globalization wave creates condition for international arms trade and offers new way of thinking for development of equipment .

  16. 分析结果表明,对于香港来说,净贸易创造效应为正,但是数额较小。

    The results show that as for Hong Kong , the net trade creation effect is positive , though a small amount .

  17. 关税同盟建立后,可以产生贸易创造和贸易转移两种静态效应,此外还会产生规模经济、竞争强化和投资扩大等动态经济效应。

    After set up of zollverein , it produces two static effects of trade diversion and trade creation , and other dynamic effects .

  18. 因此,除追求静态的贸易创造外,应通过大力发展产业内贸易,推动中间产品专业化和区域性生产网络的建立,着力发挥基于规模经济和集聚效应的贸易合作动态收益。

    So we should expand Intra-Industry trade and set up a new Sino-ASEAN trade cooperation pattern which is based on semifinished product specialization and scale economy .

  19. 最后要积极开展区域经济合作,发挥区域经济合作的贸易创造优势和贸易辐射功能。

    Last , we must positively develop regional economic cooperation and deploy the advantage of trade creation and the function of trade radiation from regional economic cooperation .

  20. 他们首先需要就农产品壁垒、农业补贴与制成品关税的公式削减达成一致,为扩大贸易创造真正的机遇。

    They first need to agree on formula reductions in agriculture barriers , farm subsidies and tariffs on manufactured goods that create real opportunities to expand trade .

  21. 零关税的实施对鲜或干山竹和鲜榴莲有贸易创造效应;对鲜龙眼贸易转移效应;

    Zero tariff induce trade creation effect to fresh durian and dry or fresh mangosteen , trade diversion effect to fresh longan and dry longan or longan aril .

  22. 在区域经济一体化过程中,这种竞争产生的不合理的税收结构使关税同盟理论中所论述的贸易创造效应受到限制。

    In the process of region economic integration , the irrational tax revenue structure leads to restricting the effect of trade creation described in the theory of tariff alliance .

  23. 传统的解释是建立在瓦伊纳的《关税同盟》一文中提出的一体化的贸易创造效应和贸易转移效应上的。

    The traditional explanation for this phenomenon was from the perspective of trade " s creativity and transitional effects of the integration according to Vincr " s article Customs Union .

  24. 获得政治竞争优势。关税同盟理论表明,区域集团的贸易创造效应可能对世界经济发展有利,贸易转移效应可能对世界经济发展不利;

    The theory of Zollverein suggests that the trade-creation effect of regional groups might be favorable for the development of world economy while the trade-transference effect might play a negative role in this respect .

  25. 取消配额将为世界纺织品贸易创造一个公平的竞争环境;同时也将使价格竞争更加激烈、利润空间更加狭窄。

    The quota lift will create a fair-play environment for the world textiles and clothing trade , but at the same time it will also lead to stronger price competition and narrowed profit margin .

  26. 长城及其防御体系的存在,维持了边疆的整体和平与稳定,为民族间的交往和贸易创造了良好的条件。

    The existence of the Great Wall and its defence system , had maintained general peace and stability of the northern frontiers , had created the good condition for communication and trade among peoples of northern China .

  27. 进入21世纪以来,印度政府颁布了一系列吸引外资的新政策,并由此可能引发明显的经济增长效应、贸易创造效应、就业创造效应和产业调整效应。

    Indian government has issued a series of new policies to attract FDI since the beginning of the new millennium , which has brought about substantial effects in India 's economic growth , trade and job creations and industry adjustment .

  28. 本文的实证研究发现,虽然迄今为止,就贸易创造和贸易转移效应而言,上合组织的创立并没有明显地提高两国福利,但是其在加强双边能源合作这一层面上仍蕴含着巨大的潜力。

    This article shows that although in the sense of trade creation and diversion effects , SCO has yet contribute significantly to the welfare of both China and Kazakhstan , it still has great potential in terms of further enhancing cooperation on energy issues .

  29. 第二部分从历史的角度,分析欧盟数次扩张以来产生的贸易创造和贸易转移效应,发现欧盟成立以来贸易创造和贸易转移效果都十分显著,据此判断此次东扩的贸易效果也会很明显。

    Secondly , the article studied the trade creation and trade diversion since from the foundation of EU , which was always obvious , according to this , conclusion can be made that trade creation and trade diversion of the Eastern Enlargement will be quite remarkble .

  30. 它促使理论界提出了用以判断关税同盟利弊的贸易创造效应和贸易转向效应,阐明了贸易条件、规模经济和不完全竞争因素在建立关税同盟方面的积极作用。

    Scholars put up with trade creation and trade diversion concepts , which could be used to measure the advantages and disadvantages of custom union . Furthermore , the positive effects of trade terms , scale economies and imperfect competition on establishing custom union were clarified .