
mào yì nì chā
  • trade deficit;trade gap;unfavorable balance of trade;adverse trade balance
  1. 美国的贸易逆差加大了。

    America 's trade gap widened

  2. 英国3月份的贸易逆差已经增长到21亿英镑以上。

    The deficit in Britain 's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds .

  3. 版权引进与输出利用的资源禀赋存在差异,采用的调节机制互不相同,在我国已经加入WTO的情况下,必须用正确的眼光看待和处理版权贸易逆差,促进我国版权经济的发展。

    The difference between the resources endow of copyright importation and exportation must be treated with developing and global attitude in the condition of having joined WTO .

  4. 2000-2010年的十年间,希腊的贸易逆差占GDP的比例达到10%,同时出口额缩减了12%。

    In the decade from 2000 Greece ran a trade deficit of 10 per cent of GDP , while exports fell by 12 per cent .

  5. GDP由四个部分组成:消费性开支、个人投资、政府开支和进出口贸易逆差。

    GDP has four components : consumer spending , private investment , government outlays , and the excess , or deficit , of exports over imports .

  6. 美国贸易逆差日益增长之际,美联储(fed)下调了对经济前景的预期,并通过购买更多国债,延长了其危机时期的货币政策制度。

    The growing trade gap comes as the US Federal Reserve downgraded its economic outlook and extended its crisis-era monetary policy regime by moving to purchase more Treasury debt .

  7. 德国官员和欧洲央行(ecb)认为,贸易逆差国需要实行“内部贬值”,即削减工资、降低物价,以提高本国产品的竞争力。

    German officials and the European Central Bank argue that the trade deficit countries need an " internal devaluation " cutting wages and prices to make their products competitive .

  8. 据美国制造业生产力与创新联盟(ManufacturersAllianceforProductivityandInnovation)周二公布的数据,今年上半年,美国制成品的贸易逆差从去年同期的2270亿美元缩小到了2250亿美元。

    During the first half of this year , the trade deficit on trade of manufactured goods narrowed to $ 225 billion from $ 227 billion a year ago , the manufacturers Alliance for productivity and innovation reported Tuesday .

  9. EmergingAdvisorsGroup的安德森(JonathanAnderson)说,泰国的货币没有随之暴跌、经济没有出现衰退的唯一原因就在于,入境游客流抵消了贸易逆差。

    The only reason this hasn 't sent the currency plummeting , and forced a recession , is that tourist inflows are acting as an offset , says Jonathan Anderson of the Emerging Advisors Group .

  10. 凯布尔是随首相戴维卡梅伦(DavidCameron)访华的四位内阁大臣之一。他希望能通过签署协议,缩窄英国对中国的巨额贸易逆差。

    The business secretary , one of four cabinet ministers travelling to China with David Cameron , the prime minister , hopes to sign deals to close the yawning trade deficit with the country .

  11. “鉴于中国对美国出口缺乏需求,美国的结构性贸易逆差将持续存在,”纽约银行梅隆全球市场(bnymellonglobalmarkets)分析师迈克尔伍尔福克(michaelwoolfolk)表示。

    " The structural US trade deficit continues to persist on the lack of Chinese demand for US exports , " said Michael Woolfolk , analyst , bny Mellon global markets .

  12. 自中国加入WTO以来,美中贸易逆差迅速增长,由之引致的中美贸易摩擦逐步增多,成为影响中美贸易发展的瓶颈环节。

    Since China joined WTO , the unfavorable balance of US-China trade increases quickly , is led by it with the result that of US-China trade friction to increase gradually in US-China trade , become influence to the bottleneck of development of US-China trade .

  13. 进口需求、市场准入与我国农产品的贸易逆差

    Import Demand , Market Access and Agricultural Trade Deficit in China

  14. 欧盟对华贸易逆差问题研究

    Study on the Widening Deficit of EU in Trade with China

  15. 美国贸易逆差预计也已稳定下来。

    The US trade deficit is also expected to have stabilised .

  16. 这种对贸易逆差的执迷还蒙蔽了显而易见的好处。

    This obsession with trade deficits also obscures phenomenally good news .

  17. 然而,双边贸易逆差并不是问题所在。

    However , the bilateral trade deficit is not a problem .

  18. 关于我国农产品贸易逆差问题的系统分析

    The Systems Analysis on China 's Trade Deficit of Agriculture Products

  19. 但如果没有其它地区的贸易逆差,就不会有(亚洲的)贸易顺差。

    But there cannot be trade surpluses without trade deficits elsewhere .

  20. 解析美国巨额贸易逆差形成的原因

    A Study on the Cause of Enormous Trade Deficit in United States

  21. 中韩贸易逆差的原因及对策分析

    The Cause of Trade Deficit between China and Korea and the Remedies

  22. 今年的贸易逆差达到了50亿美元。

    The trade deficit this year reached $ 5 billion .

  23. 美国2006年贸易逆差将创下新的纪录。

    The US trade deficit will reach a new record in 2006 .

  24. 6月份,美国贸易逆差较上月减少10%。

    The US trade deficit shrank by 10 % month-on-month in June .

  25. 中国版权贸易逆差:走出去面临的挑战和对策

    China 's Deficit in Copyright Trade : Challenge and Solution

  26. 以美中贸易逆差为例。

    Take the bilateral deficit between China and the US .

  27. 版权贸易逆差与版权经济发展研究

    A Study of Copyright Trade Deficit and Copyright Economic Growth

  28. 人民币升值不能改变美国对华贸易逆差

    Renminbi Appreciation Can 't Change the US 's Trade Deficit to China

  29. 中国的汇率政策与美国的贸易逆差

    China 's Exchange Rate Policy and US Trade Deficit

  30. 我们手上拿的却是数以千百亿价值的贸易逆差。

    They 're holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper .