
  1. 希望欧盟妥善处理光伏产品和无线通信设备两案,维护中欧经贸大局,维护贸易自由化原则。

    We hope the EU will properly deal with the cases of PV products and wireless telecommunication equipments , uphold the larger interests of China-EU economic relations and the principle of trade liberalization .

  2. 贸易自由化对可持续发展原则的实施,既具有积极作用,又可能产生消极影响。

    To practice the sustainable development principle , the liberalization of trade may have not only the active influences but also the negative influences .

  3. 伴随着经济的增长,人类所面临的环境污染问题也越来越严重,国际贸易被指责为环境质量下降的原因之一,甚至连国际贸易自由化的原则也受到了质疑。

    With economic growth , the problem of environmental pollution faced by human-being is becoming more and more serious . International trade is cited as one of the reasons why the environmental quality is deteriorating , and even the principles of international trade liberalization is subjected to suspicion .

  4. 1993年乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判达成了《服务贸易总协定》,确定了服务贸易走向自由化的多边原则和框架,使国际服务贸易发展获得了一个崭新的空间。

    The multilateral trade negotiation of Uruguay Round reached general agreement on trade in services in 1993 , confirmed the multilateral principle and frame of service trade towards liberalization , which makes interna - tional service trade development get a brand-new room .

  5. 这是由于边境贸易的发展及其作用与世贸组织的宗旨和目的是一致的,符合世贸组织关于贸易自由化的基本原则。

    This is because the development and function of the border trade are in agreement with the aim and basic principles of trade liberalism of the WTO .