
  • 网络deteriorating trade terms theory
  1. 在世界各国的发展实践和理论探讨中,不断出现资源诅咒的噪音,中心&外围论、贸易条件恶化论、荷兰病及资源诅咒等均揭示出资源禀赋与经济发展之间的悖论。

    During the process of economic development , substantial theoretical disputes such as the resource curse , core-periphery theory , deteriorating trade terms theory , Dutch Disease , have been proposed to reveal the paradox about the natural resource and economic progress .

  2. 贸易条件恶化论的发展及其影响

    The Development and Impact of Deteriorating Terms of Trade Theory

  3. 贸易条件恶化论探析

    A Probe to the Deterioration of Trade Conditions

  4. 从中心-外围论、贸易条件恶化论、荷兰病到资源诅咒论等也均揭示出资源禀赋与经济发展之间的悖论。

    The center-outside theory , the worsening terms of trade theory , the Dutch disease , and resource disaster , all these reseal the paradox between natural resources arid economic development .