
  • 网络New International Trade Theory;new trade theory
  1. 新国际贸易理论是国际贸易理论的新的发展,它与传统国际贸易理论究竟有哪些不同是一个需要认识的问题。

    The new trade theory is the new development of the trade theory . The differences between the new trade theory and the traditional one need to be studied thoroughly .

  2. 国际贸易理论的发展经历了传统国际贸易理论和新国际贸易理论两个主要阶段。

    The major stages of international trade theory 's development can be divided into two parts : traditional international trade theory and new international trade theory .

  3. 国家竞争优势理论是当前流行的最新国际贸易理论学说,该理论对我国制定服务业发展战略和进行国际服务贸易具有重要的借鉴意义。

    National competitive advantage theory is currently the most popular theory in international trade . There is much in the theory that China can make use of : both in stipulating development strategy of service industry and carrying out international service trade .

  4. 新国际贸易理论随经济学理论的发展而兴起,它不断将新的经济学概念引入国际贸易研究领域,从纵深角度解释了国际贸易产生和发展的原因,极大地促进了国际贸易理论研究的发展。

    The new international trade theory is spring up with the development of economic theory , and leading some new economic concepts into international trade research field , trying to explain international trade deeply and promoting the development of international trade theory greatly .

  5. 分析外贸竞争力相关概念内涵和相互关系,从古典国际贸易理论、新国际贸易理论、国际投资理论和竞争优势理论的视角分析外贸竞争力的理论来源,然后分析我国外贸竞争力的形成。

    Relative concepts of foreign trade competitiveness and the correlation are analyzed . The theoretical origin of foreign trade competitiveness is discussed from the angle of the main points of traditional international trade theories , new international trade theories , international investment theories and national competitiveness advantage theory .

  6. 比较优势理论包传统国际贸易理论、新国际贸易理论和新兴古典贸易理论;产业集群理论包括产业集群的形成条件、路径和作用;并分析两者之间的关系。

    The comparative advantage theory includes the international trade theory , the new international trade theory and the new classical trade theory . The industrial cluster theory includes the condition , the path and the function of the industrial clusters . The relationship between the two theories is analyzed .

  7. 古典、新古典国际贸易理论的贡献主要是揭示了贸易互利性的双赢理念,并解释了产业问贸易现象;

    Both the classical and neo-classical theories reveal the truth that the division of labor in trade would be a win-win solution for both sides , and explain inter-industry trade .

  8. 传统的新古典国际贸易理论否定国际直接投资的存在空间,但经济全球化的迅速发展现实则表明国际贸易和国际直接投资是相互促进发展的。

    The traditional new classical international trade theory denies the existing space of international direct investment theory . The rapid development of transnational corporation indicates international trade and international direct investment expands together .

  9. 而二战后出现的一些新的国际贸易理论客观上有的对比较优势理论进行了发展,有的对比较优势理论形成了有益的补充。

    Some new theories about international trade come out to challenge the traditional comparative theory , but in fact some of those new theories have developed the traditional comparative theory and some be helpful supplements of it .

  10. 本章首先基于新古典国际贸易理论,分析了要素流动与人均收入水平收敛的内在机制,进而对要素市场扭曲与中国地区收入差距扩大的关系进行了阐述。

    Based on the neo-classical trade theory , we analyze both the inner mechanism of the flow of factors and the convergences of income level . Furthermore , we discuss the connection between factors market distortion and the enlarging regional income disparity .

  11. 新增长理论与国际贸易理论的发展

    New Growth Theory and Development of International Trade Theory

  12. 本文的理论分析以内生经济增长理论为依据,运用新古典经济学、新经济增长理论、新国际贸易理论等相关理论作为的理论基础,分析和探讨知识产权保护对国际技术溢出与经济增长的影响。

    The thesis carries on the theoretical analysis based on endogenous economic growth theory with new classical economics , new economic growth theory , new theories of international trade theory to analyze and discuss the intellectual property protection on international technology spillovers and economic growth .