
  • 网络monetary authority of singapore;mas
  1. 新加坡金融管理局拒绝置评。

    The MAS refused to comment .

  2. 新加坡金融管理局决定维持中立外汇政策,早就在分析家预料之中,且对新加坡币的影响甚微。

    Mas 's decision to maintain its neutral foreign exchange policy has been long expected by analysts and will have little effect on the Singapore currency .

  3. 这一事件促使新加坡金融管理局(MAS)和新加坡交易所全面检讨股市架构。

    That prompted a wide-ranging review of market structure by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ( MAS ) and SGX .

  4. 新加坡金融管理局(mas)强烈拒绝有关其监管不力的任何说法,辩称其银行业和衍生品交易规则达到甚至超越国际标准。

    The monetary authority of Singapore robustly rejected any suggestion that it was weak on regulation , arguing its banking and derivatives trading rules met or exceeded international norms .

  5. 根据该计划,富裕的移民者实际上可以通过投资至少1000万新元、将之交由一家由新加坡金融管理局(MAS)监管的金融机构管理,来换取新加坡国籍。

    This allows wealthy migrants to effectively buy citizenship by investing at least S $ 10m , to be managed by a financial institution regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ( MAS ) .

  6. 这些非正式商谈反映了新加坡金融管理局(MAS)决心展示对金融服务业的有效监督。目前,欧美政界都对监管宽松的行业在全球金融危机中扮演的角色表示关切。

    The informal talks reflect the Monetary Authority of Singapore 's determination to demonstrate effective oversight of the financial services industry in the light of political concerns in Europe and the US about the role of lightly regulated sectors in the global financial crisis .

  7. 但是,出台损害行业的法规或支持损害行业的立法,是不符合新加坡金融管理局的一贯表现的。

    But it would be out of character for the MAS to introduce regulations or sponsor legislation which harmed the industry .

  8. 代表性行动将超出新加坡金融管理局制定的赔偿决定标准。

    The representative action will go beyond the criteria laid out by the Monetary Authority of Singapore in determining justification for compensation .

  9. 金管局代表团由总裁任志刚率领,而新加坡金融管理局代表团则由董事总经理许永源率领。

    The HKMA delegation was led by Mr Joseph yam , chief executive , while the MAS delegation was headed by Mr KOH Yong guan , managing director .

  10. 新加坡金融管理局表示,自今年初以来,外部环境已大幅改善,美国带动的经济复苏反映在强劲消费支出上。

    MAS said that since the beginning of this year , the external environment has been dramatically improved , and the US-led economic recovery is reflected by robust consumer spending .

  11. 新加坡金融管理局在最近的一次资产管理调查中表示,去年底新加坡有350只对冲基金,管理的总资产大约为420亿美元。

    The MAS said in its last asset management survey that there were 350 hedge funds in Singapore at the end of last year , with about $ 42bn under management .

  12. 作为调查Libor及新加坡银行间同业拆借利率(Sibor)行动的一部分,新加坡金融管理局(MAS)去年9月指示各家银行检讨它们设定NDF汇率的流程。

    As part of its own probes into Libor and Sibor , a local equivalent , the Monetary Authority of Singapore in September directed banks to review their processes for setting rates for NDFs .