
  • 网络central bank independence
  1. 中央银行独立性理论及在中国的应用

    Theories of Central Bank Independence and Their Application in China

  2. 中央银行独立性与货币、金融稳定政策协调

    The Central Bank Independence and Policy Coordination among Monetary and Financial Stability

  3. 加入WTO与中国中央银行独立性的法律完善

    WTO Entry and Legal Consolidation of the Independence of the PBC

  4. 西方中央银行独立性理论的发展及其启示

    The Development and Implication of the Theory of Central Bank Independence

  5. 当代西方政治经济周期理论述评&兼论中央银行独立性

    Review on the Theory of Political Economic Cycle in Western Countries

  6. 加强中央银行独立性的重要意义&以日本为实例的分析

    The Importance of Strengthening the Independence of the Central Bank

  7. 我国中央银行独立性的法律研究

    Legal Investigation on the Independence of China 's Central Bank

  8. 中央银行独立性与通胀:理论与实证

    Central Bank Independence and Inflation : Theory and Evidence

  9. 西方中央银行独立性与宏观经济表现研究述评

    A Review of Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance

  10. 欧洲中央银行独立性和责任性研究

    The Study of European Central Bank Independence and Accountability

  11. 中央银行独立性与监管效率关系分析

    An Analysis between the Independency of the Central Bank and the Inspection Management Efficiency

  12. 中国中央银行独立性问题探讨

    Discussion on the Independence of Chinese Central Bank

  13. 中央银行独立性的再思考&从货币政策时间不一致性视角分析货币政策的动态不一致性与制度防范

    Thinking on Central Bank Independence The Time-inconsistency of Monetary Policy and the Institutional Countermeasures

  14. 中央银行独立性的辨证观

    On the Independence of Central Bank

  15. 澳中中央银行独立性:比较与借鉴

    A Comparison of Independence between the Central Banks of China and Australia and Its Use for Reference

  16. 最后,针对转轨时期中国中央银行独立性不高的原因提出了相应的建议。

    Finally , suggestions against the causes of low independence of Chinese central bank were put forward .

  17. 再则,本文分别就中央银行独立性、货币政策透明度的分项指标对通货膨胀波动率进行了相关性检验。

    Furthermore , the paper tests the relevance between independence , transparency sub-indicators and inflation volatility respectively .

  18. 第二部分主要是对中央银行独立性进行概述,并对不同的独立性模式进行比较。

    The second part summarizes central bank independence , and compares the different models of central bank independence .

  19. 金融稳定与货币稳定&基于信息约束经济中央银行独立性的分析

    Financial Stability and Monetary Stability : In View of Central Bank 's Dependence in the Information Restricted Economy

  20. 它的中央银行独立性很低,几乎完全受制于政府。

    The independence of the Central Bank of China was very low , nearly controlled completely by the government .

  21. 也就是说,中央银行独立性的加强并不是以牺牲经济增长速度为代价的。

    , France . That is , strengthen the central bank independence need not on the expense of economy growth .

  22. 本文从中央银行独立性的内涵出发,分析了中央银行独立性的必要性。

    This paper , proceeding from the intension of the Central Bank independence , has analysed the necessities of the Central Bank independence .

  23. 而后我们整合了转型国家中央银行独立性的测度方法,并用此方法对中国人民银行的独立性进行了详细测定。

    Then the article integrates the measures of CBI in transitional economies and employs our integrated method to measure the CBI of PBC .

  24. 本文从理论和实践两个角度对一味强调增强我国中央银行独立性的认识提出质疑。

    Based on both the theory and practice , the author doubts the concept that we should enhance the independence of the central bank .

  25. 此举有利于增强中央银行独立性,更好地发挥货币政策作用;有利于加强银行监管,促进银行监管理念、职能、政策、手段等的专业化。

    This separation is advantageous to enhance the independence of central bank , strengthen the banking regulation on the specialization of the idea and the method .

  26. 在某种程度上,可以说健全的宏观经济政策协调机制制度安排是中央银行独立性的前提。

    It can be said to some extent that a well-intended coordinate mechanism of macro economic policies is prerequisite for the independence of the central bank .

  27. 中央银行独立性的涵义应涵盖组织独立、目标独立、职能独立和财务独立等四个部分。

    The meaning of the Central Bank independence should contain four parts , such as independent organization , independent goal , independent function and independent financial rule .

  28. 宏观经济政策的有效性在相当程度上取决于中央银行独立性与宏观经济政策协调机制制度安排之间的平衡。

    The said efficiency and effectiveness can be largely attributed to a balance between independence of the central bank and the coordinate mechanism of macro economic policies .

  29. 中央银行独立性主要是指中央银行制定和执行货币政策的自主性,是中央银行法律地位的核心问题。

    Independence of the central bank , which mainly refers to autonomy that the central bank decides and implements monetary policy , is the core problem of legal status .

  30. 尽管货币供应量作为我国货币政策工具功效逐步减弱,但我国货币政策目标过渡到通货膨胀为目标还需要一段时间,其中,尽快提高中央银行独立性是重要前提。

    The amount of currency supply as a tool of monetary policy functions less and less effectively , but it takes time to transform the monetary policy objective into inflation objective .