
  • 网络CEIBS;china europe international business school
  1. 雷诺与中欧国际工商学院和中国都有着悠久的关系。寻求打入中国市场的西班牙企业高管,以及目光瞄准欧洲的中国高管,都经常向他请教意见。

    With his long association with Ceibs and China , Prof Nueno has become a source of expertise in Spain for executives looking to break into the Chinese market and for Chinese looking at Europe .

  2. 本文作者分别是中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)副院长兼教务长、前研究助理和客座研究员

    The writers are , respectively , dean and vice-president , a former research assistant , and a visiting researcher at Ceibs

  3. 他曾在上海的中欧国际工商学院(chinaeuropeinternationalbusinessschool)学习,专门研究创新、企业家精神、谈判和消费行为。

    He spent time at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai , focusing on innovation , entrepreneurship , negotiation and customer behaviour .

  4. 只有南洋商学院(NanyangBusinessSchool)和中欧国际工商学院(ChinaEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)例外,它们在博士和研究这一项上表现不佳。

    The only exceptions are Nanyang Business School and China Europe International Business School , both underperforming in the doctoral and research ranks .

  5. 中欧国际工商学院(chinaeuropeinternationalbusinessschool)经济学与金融学教授许小年也警告,持续上涨的市场造成了高风险。

    Xu Xiaonian , Professor of economics and finance at China Europe International Business School ( CEIBS ) also warns that the continually rising market poses high risks .

  6. 中国MBA的国际化姿态&专访中欧国际工商学院院长刘吉

    The Internationalization of MBA In China

  7. 1982年至2006年先后毕业于重庆建筑大学、重庆大学工商管理学院MBA研究生班和中欧国际工商学院CEO班。

    Graduated from Chongqing Jianzhu University in1982 and Chongqing University of MBA and Sino-Europe CEO class in2006 .

  8. 但叶兴庆在周日的中欧国际工商学院(ChinaEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)论坛上向《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)表示,这主要是一些退休的军方官员在并非自己专业领域的一个问题上发表的看法。

    But this is mostly coming from some retired officers writing on an issue outside their areas of expertise , Mr. Ye told the Wall Street Journal at a China Europe International Business School conference on Sunday .

  9. ——中欧国际工商学院副教务长和MBA课程主任范悦安(JuanAntonioFernández)教授

    Professor Juan Antonio Fern á ndez , associate dean and MBA director , China Europe International Business School

  10. 例如,中欧国际工商学院每年有近200名全日制mba学员毕业,他们几乎所有人都能熟练运用英语和汉语。

    CEIBS , for example , graduates close to 200 full-time MBA students a year , almost all of whom are fluent in both English and Chinese .

  11. 12所亚洲商学院上榜——中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)排名最高,位列第11。

    Twelve Asian schools were in the ranking - Ceibs was the highest at 11 .

  12. 70年代,他建立了布宜诺斯艾利斯的首个mba项目,80年代,建立了中国的首批mba项目,并最终发展成为中欧国际工商学院。

    He set up the first MBA programme in Buenos Aires in the 1970s and created the first MBA programmes in China in the 1980s , which ultimately developed to become CEIBS .

  13. 几家媒体说,会议是“华夏同学会”组织的聚会,这个同学会的成员是曾在长江商学院(CheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness)或中欧国际工商学院(ChineseEuropeInternationalBusinessSchool)学习的重要商界领袖。

    A number of outlets wrote that the meeting was a get-together of the " Huaxia Alumni Society , " a group of major business leaders who studied at either the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business or the Chinese Europe International Business School .

  14. 总部设在上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)由中国和欧盟(europeanunion)共同创办,该学院目前正计划在加纳首都阿克拉(accra)开设第一所海外分校。

    China Europe International Business School , the Shanghai-based business school set up with the European Union , plans to open a campus outside China in Accra , the capital of Ghana .

  15. 例如,上海中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)mba学术主任白诗莉(lydiaprice)表示,去年这个时候,40%的学员已经签约。

    At CEIBS in Shanghai , for example , 40 per cent of students had signed offers at this time last year , according to Lydia price , academic director of the MBA programme .

  16. LynnJiang就在中欧国际工商学院和欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)这两所学院中选择了前者,她目前正在攻读MBA。LynnJiang说,如果她要在中国创业,她就需要在中国建立人脉。

    Lynn Jiang , a Ceibs MBA student , chose Ceibs over Insead because she says if she starts a business in China , she will need a network in China .

  17. 我们必须从用好药转变为好好用药,中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)的张炜表示。

    We need to move from the use of good drugs to the good use of drugs , says Zhang Wei from the China Europe International Business School .

  18. 为研究孩子性别对CEO制定政策的影响,迈阿密大学的亨里克·克罗克韦斯特教授和中欧国际工商学院的余方副教授对将近400名CEO所做的决策进行了研究。

    To study the impact of a child 's gender on a chief executive 's policies , Professor Henrik Cronqvist from the University of Miami and Associate Professor Frank Yu , from China Europe International Business School studied the decisions made by almost 400 CEOs .

  19. 许多人都相信,商学研究生教育并不只是适合投资银行家。张同贵(TonyZhang)就是这些人中的一员。在中欧国际工商学院攻读EMBA时,张同贵已然是一位成功的企业家,他经营的连锁餐厅“多利川菜馆”人气颇旺。

    Tony Zhang is one of those who is convinced that graduate business education is not just for investment bankers : he studied for an EMBA at Ceibs when he was already a successful entrepreneur with his popular Tony 's Restaurant chain .

  20. 他申请了中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)在北京的EMBA课程,但没有被录取,大概是因为我太年轻,缺乏经验。

    He applied to the China Europe International Business School ( Ceibs ) EMBA programme in Beijing , but was turned down probably because I was too young and inexperienced , he says .

  21. 比方说中国,上海中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)管理学教授李秀娟(jeanlee)指出,家族企业在中国是一个相当新的现象,规模仍相对较小平均只有60人。

    In China , for example , Jean Lee , management professor at CEIBS in Shanghai , points out that family businesses are quite a recent phenomenon and are still relatively small , with an average of 60 employees each .

  22. 对于中国西式管理教育的老前辈、上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)而言,市场似乎在不断增长中欧国际工商学院的emba项目今年招收了630名学员,明年将有780名学员。

    For CEIBS in Shanghai , the doyen of Western-style management education in China , the market seems to be growing , with 630 students on the CEIBS EMBA programme this year and 780 next .

  23. 2008年与时任加纳总统约翰库福尔(johnkufuor)的会晤,让中欧国际工商学院得到了加纳政府将提供官方支持的承诺,中欧非洲项目的地点也选在了加纳首都阿克拉。

    A meeting with then president of Ghana John Kufuor in 2008 gave CEIBS the assurance that it would get the bureaucratic support from the Ghanaian government and the capital Accra was chosen as the location for the CEIBS Africa Programme .

  24. 三年前,中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)共同创办人兼院长佩德罗雷诺(pedronueno)就有了在非洲设立高管mba项目中欧非洲项目的设想。

    Three years ago , Pedro Nueno , the co-founder and board chairman of China European International Business School ( CEIBS ) in Shanghai , had a vision for an Executive MBA programme in Africa the CEIBS Africa Programme .

  25. 引领这些院校崛起、成为精英院校的将是:清华大学经济管理学院、北京大学光华管理学院及中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)。

    The rise of these schools into the elite will be led by the school of economics and management at Tsinghua , by the Guanghua School of management , Peking University , and by the China Europe International Business School ( CEIBS ) .

  26. 中欧国际工商学院诚邀您参加高层管理论坛。

    CEIBS is honored to invite you to attend an Evening Executive Forum .

  27. 中欧国际工商学院是一座领先亚洲的工商学院。

    CEIBS ( China Europe Internacional Business School ) is the Bussines School leader in Asia .

  28. 富兰克。于是设在上海的中欧国际工商学院金融学助教。

    Frank Yu is assistant finance professor at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai .

  29. 中欧国际工商学院周东生表明了一个更加基本的观点:总之,品牌不仅仅是市场营销。

    Mr Zhou of CEIBS makes an even more basic point : that brands are about much more than marketing anyway .

  30. 上海中欧国际工商学院教务长郭理默表示,今年即将入学的新生中,有38%为非中国籍学生。

    At Ceibs in Shanghai , 38 per cent of this year 's incoming class are non-Chinese , says dean Rolf Cremer .