
  • 网络china film group corporation;CFGC
  1. 尹力,全国政协委员、中国电影集团公司一级导演

    Yin Li , director at China Film Group Corporation

  2. 这部影片是由国有中国电影集团公司(ChinaFilmGroup)出品的,该公司董事长兼总经理韩三平任总导演。

    The state-owned China Film Group is producing the film , with Chairman and Chief Executive Han Sanping directing .

  3. 据影院工作人员透露以及影院经营方在网上贴出的通知显示,受政府控制的影片发行机构中国电影集团公司(ChinaFilmGroupCorp.)以“技术原因”为由叫停了影片的放映。

    China Film Group Corp. , the state-controlled film distributor , cited ' technical reasons ' for its decision to pull the film , according to theater employees and theater operators who posted notices online .

  4. 中国电影集团公司、该片的另一位发行方华夏电影发行有限责任公司(HuaxiaFilmDistributionCo.)以及中国的审查机构国家新闻出版广电总局没有回应记者的置评请求。

    The company , co-distributor Huaxia Film Distribution Co. and China 's censorship office , the State Administration of Press , Publications , Radio , Film and Television , didn 't respond to requests for comment .

  5. 《狼图腾》是由中国电影集团公司副总裁张强牵头的。

    This project is spearheaded by Zhang Qiang , an executive of China Film Group .

  6. 中国电影集团公司于上周六宣布,《大唐玄奘》已经入围第89届学院奖最佳外语影片候选名单。

    China Film Group Corp. announced last Saturday that " Xuan Zang " has been entered for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards .

  7. 这使得由北京京西文化旅游有限公司和国有的中国电影集团公司联合制作的这部影片,成为行业的试金石。

    That has made the film , produced by Beijing Jingxi Culture & Tourism Company and the state-owned China Film Group Corp. , a test for the industry .

  8. 今年6月,韩国的CJE&MCorp.与中国国有企业中国电影集团公司(ChinaFilmGroup)和中国私人企业派格太合环球传媒(Pegasus&TaiheEntertainmentInternationalCo.)达成协议,将制作一部由中韩两国演员联袂出演的科幻电影——《TheFist》。

    In June , South Korea 's CJ E & M Corp. struck a deal with state-run China Film Group and Pegasus & Taihe Entertainment International Co. , a private Chinese company , to produce a sci-fi fantasy project called ' The Fist , ' featuring Chinese and Korean actors .

  9. 另外,由政府控制、负责发行中国境内多数影片的中国电影集团公司通过放映档期安排,将使多部好莱坞3D影片展开针尖对麦芒的竞争。

    The government-controlled China Film Group , which distributes most films in the country , has also arranged the release schedule so that several 3-D Hollywood movies will be pitted against one another .